But seriously....who cares?
you're obviously happier being UNhappy (as this whine-thread shows) so have at it. Be sure you sleep on the wrong side, only shower in cold water, drink milk 2 days past the expiration date and all the other things you do to keep those panties twisted.
We'll keep enjoying movies and enjoying watching you flail impotently.
You're OUR pet.
Yes....yours. You posted your bitch fest and EVERYONE made fun of you. Totally devoid of support. Actually, given what a big girl you are....you really SHOULD hae liked Captain Marvel more. You're the target demo, Martha.
So...the guy who LIKED Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel is the misogynist?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
We were ridiculing you. But still you troll!
Best trick you've ever pulled is making your detractors think that you're not real!!
[–] SeanMcQueen (4) a minute ago
Satan is a misogynist, patriarchal myth that needs to go. Anyone who perpetuates it needs to be put into a reeducation camp.