The Mueller Report gives gory details on the ease of Trump's manipulation by Russian intelligence.
Patience is a virtue.
The key tell of course is just watching Trump shit himself in fear after being clued in that Barr might not be able to protect him. He's done a complete 180 where he went from persecuting anyone who had ever dared call him Comrade Cuckholster a few days ago to now where he's slamming any release of the report a 'disgrace'.
What tickles me silly is just how much backtracking Barr did after members of Mueller's team started calling out his gross distortions and false exoneration of Trump. Well d0h! What did Boy Barr think would happen? That he could gag Mueller because their wives bonded BFF in bible study? WAHAHAH!
Barr must be delusional from having relived his glory days as right wing folk hero and cover-up tzar in his head one too many times. He appeared genuinely taken off guard by the ferocity of the blowback. He really thought protecting Trump would be as easy as covering up the Reagan-Bush-Weinberger criminal cartel from Iran Contra in the pre-internet era. lolz.
Even if Barr was able to somehow extort Mueller's reticence, how did he plan to muzzle those 13 "Angry Democrats" on Mueller's team Trump had so often publicly vilified? This is some seriously funny shit because it was all so predictable.
Mueller's team is now calling out Barr for refusing to release the summaries they had specifically written for the public to read and instead trying to re-write them in his own spin.
Yeah, the weekend that Barr released his memo I had a couple of Trump numbnuts on here dig up some previous posts I’d made about Mueller that were over a year old and try to rub Trump’s “vindication” in my face… I’ve learned to bide my time and ignore these fucktards because it was futile to feed trolls when the full story hadn’t even been made public, just Fat Billy’s Goebbel spin on it.
Barr has now satisfied his obligation to Trump to try and hide his corruption in this probe as best he could. The only tactic he has left is to try and anal-retentively hang onto the report and keep it unseen as long as possible…and every day that’s getting harder to do because even people on the right are onto his scheme and starting to get nervous that the Attorney General of the United States may be participating in obstruction of justice himself. Barr is due to testify before a House committee next week, and that will get his answers on the record about his conduct in handling this matter…and I expect very soon afterwards Mueller will be called to testify and the country will get to compare exactly who is telling the truth and which one of them acted impartially and non-partisan as everyone in the Department of Justice is supposed to, and not like a partisan Quisling. By that point, though, I expect a major portion of the report will released to the public and they’ll already know what a scumbag Barr is. The REAL question is how long will it be before Congress gets to review the full report. Attempts to delay that by the DoJ may be just as threatening to Trump’s junta as allowing it to be released.
Yeah, even the usual Trumpers on Yahoo new comments sections have mostly resorted to just barking 2020 campaign slogans like: "KAG 2020!", "MAGA 2020!" and just posting "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!" over and over and over again. What few Trumpers who DO still defend him with more than a phrase will essentially say: "Trump shouldn't be punished unless Hillary is!". I'm still wondering what Hillary is supposed to be punished for. I'm no fan of the woman but numerous investigations being leveled against her drew up not even the slightest HINT of a crime. No indictments. Nothing. Can't say the same for Ronald.
At heart Barr is an authoritarian. It's why he was instrumental in his previous incarnation as AG to helping the entire Reagan-Bush neocon cabal escape justice. It's why he authored a 19 page legal memo to the White House that a President cannot be charged with obstruction of justice when wielding constitutional powers of his office, no matter how corrupt the purpose. Barr is a crypto-fascist who is in it solely for the power. You can tell how much he's getting his rocks off riding shotgun on Trump's jock as hand-of-the-king, and he's not fucking around the way he immediately set about using the DoJ to dismantle Obamacare. He could care fuck all about Republicans crying to him about getting wiped out in 2020 if he succeeds. As far as he's concerned, he was hired to put his hand on the scales of justice to keep his führer in power by whatever means necessary.
If we had an even moderately honest political media, Barr's history as a sleazy political fixer would have been front-and-center in any and all coverage of his "summary letter".
Hey snowflakes, be sure to keep reapplying lubricant while circle-jerking each other ...I'm sure that your advanced stages of TDS clouds your memory on such things.
You fantasize about men circle jerking each other ever time you see them? Whoa, dude--too much information!
PS: Uh, I'm not a lib. Also, given the fact you're even USING the word "beta", means you're likely much younger than me and probably secretly beta yourself.
Oh great, one of the most brain dead troll socks on this site has been resurrected by someone so desperate and ashamed of the other socks that it came to this.
Yeah, and this one really likes lubricant and circle jerk fantasies...yikes. Seeing the different facets of Thrillhouse's addled mind play out in all these sock accounts is disturbing. O_o
Most inexcusable are the journalists in DC who are paid to know better. I'm not even talking about the hacks at state TV. There were far too many mainstream pundits and supposedly respectable journalists tripping over themselves to declare Trump had been exonerated.
How can they be so blind to the obvious? Trump's number one goal since he took office is making this investigation goes away. Full Stop. The idea he would have nominated anyone as AG who would not try to do that is ludicrous. He thought his guy would be Whitaker until it became clear he was too green and inexperienced to pull it off, leading to rumors Trump reamed him a new asshole behind the scenes for not doing what he hired him to do.
That so many in mainstream media people got taken for a ride by Bill Barr was bewildering.
I honestly didn’t see it as that way with the msm and respected journalists. I saw them as reporting the news as it was rolling out, yet emphasizing no on had read the full report except Barr. Maybe I interpreted it wrong?
Well there's Chris Cuomo treating Russia like it's a dead issue. That's completely negligent given the volume of smoke we've seen that was surely not lost in Mueller's full report.
The continued naivety of a lot of the DC press in evaluating Barr’s motives has been mind boggling. Some of the worst offenders include Maggie Haberman's breathless reporting in the New York Times on Trump's exoneration the first 4 days that is now appropriately being ridiculed. But we're still seeing terrible reporting out of Politico and even Washington Post. I keep seeing shit like this from a WaPO piece a couple days ago:
Part of the difficulty for Barr, according to several current and former law enforcement officials, is that he is trying to follow Justice regulations that were written in the wake of Kenneth Starr’s investigation of President Bill Clinton, with an eye toward limiting the amount of information that can be made public.
Some senior Justice officials are also wary of repeating what they view as mistakes made in 2016 by then-FBI Director James B. Comey when he discussed details of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. Because those senior officials contend Comey said too much about people who were not charged with crimes, they are now arguing internally for Barr to be more circumspect in public statements and releases of information.
Come ON! How does tripe like this get past anyone's bullshit-o-meter? There is nothing that warrants giving Barr this sort of benefit of the doubt. Barr is using these regulations and the merited criticism of Comey 2016 to withhold and keep secret as much as possible. They’re tools being cynically exploited by Barr, not burdens of conscience and protocol he’s saddled with. Except the latter is exactly how he's being portrayed by WaPO sources and the Post seems perfectly obliged to characterize him as that of a noble and conscientious public servant.
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It's simple. No one wants to dip their toes into uncharted waters. If the full report got out, in this political climate, it could possibly lead to a constitutional crisis spilling into an election year. That's a time-bomb no one wants to try to deal with. Whether it be the DOJ, the Republicans, or the mainstream media. Half of them are either too stupid to recognize the gravity of the situation while the rest are too chickenshit.
For Republicans and DoJ under the leadership of Bill Barr it makes perfect sense for the reasons you mention.
But for the Bezos owned Washington Post that has cut its teeth on providing hard hitting investigative journalism of this administration's corruption (and who Trump finds threatening enough to have officially declared war on Bezos) it makes far less sense why they'd be kowtowing to this bullshit narrative of Bill Barr being trustworthy.
To be clear, it's not everyone at the Post peddling this. Earlier in the week they broke the story sourcing members on Mueller's own team calling out Bill Barr for falsely mis-characterizing what was in the report. The WaPO story went much further than the NY Times story on the same topic. But you would think having just a few days prior having learned Barr is attempting to pull off the mother of all public con jobs they wouldn't be giving his apologists at DoJ a platform to spin Barr as just trying to do the right thing without seriously challenging the bullshit in that narrative.
I understand reporters have to sometimes walk a fine line for fear if they're too critical they're going to lose access to those sources. But when those sources are feeding you webs of lies on an issue as monumental as this, those sources are proving to not be worth a cup of piss. Sometimes you just gotta take the hit to do the right thing.
When I see this sort of stuff, it makes it appear like Trump's relentless attacks on the media especially in the wake of his fake "exoneration" have actually worked.
Are you talking about FBI and DoJ Barr apologists cited in the WaPO article or the WaPO reporters giving those apologists the platform to spin for Barr?
It's hard for me to fathom how WaPO reporters could reasonably expect that getting on Barr's "good side" could have any chance of changing his approach of playing cover-up man for Trump.
Oh. I honestly don't think so. First, I don't believe Bezos micromanages WaPO like we know Murdoch does at Fox News and like Trump imagines he does. He's a busy guy with a ton of other projects keeping up with Amazon's explosive growth. Chief WaPO editor Martin Baron maintains Jeff stays out of the editorial process and has never interfered to make a call on a final editorial decision.
So I don't see any greater motives by WaPO driven by explicit intentions of Bezos. I think it's just the WaPO reporters trying to stay in good graces with their sources in DoJ and FBI by quoting their POV, even if that view is given in bad faith.
I've seen WaPO do this before on a different topic during the Khashoggi murder so I'm not overly alarmed by it. Obviously everyone at WaPO was working to expose the Saudi Crown Prince's complicity in the murder of their own colleague. But I also read WaPO articles where MBS apologists in the Saudi regime were anonymously cited and given wide latitude to spin bullshit unchallenged about MBS not being aware of anything.
Yeah I think it's so they can maintain those sources. Even if the spin is bullshit on this particular topic, maybe those sources have proved reliable and given them scoops on other stories so they're not inclined to burn that bridge. By presenting their POV they prove to the source they're relaying their perspective in good faith even while the paper runs other stories undermining Barr's credibility like they did two days earlier with their groundbreaking story anonymously sourced from Mueller's team.
Same goes with their MBS coverage which was overall excellent in exposing the Crown Prince's complicity. But perhaps those MBS apologists that they allowed to spin had a longtime reliable track record of giving WaPO reporters the inside scoop on the thinking of Saudi Royals and the Crown Prince's thinking and they didn't want to lose that inroad.