ProgSinister's Replies

I would have Hux in charge of the ultimate superweapon as Kylo and Rey meet to slug it out with a lightsabre battle. With Rey struggling, Luke appears as an apparition to join in. Kylo is joined by apparition Palpatine. Then Kenobi, Anakin, Maul, Dooku, Windu, Yoda and Grievous all appear for a Jedi lightsabre smackdown. Rey and Kylo simultaneous score hits on each other only to discover they are attacking projections of their opponents while the real Rey and Kylo are levitating on platforms on opposite sides of the galaxy. Realizing how pointless everything is, the entire ensemble raise their hands to the sky and force-push the superweapon and the rest of the entire New Order into the nearest sun. And because it's Disney, finish on a song. People know Jumanji will be a cheesefest so only people who like cheesefests will go and see it. People expected more from TLJ. Why does Michael Bay have to be called Michael Bay? Anything with Michael Bay as the producer. I'll watch TLJ MST3K-style. The only ass-kicking by a female lead was by Rei in the throne room. Even then she struggled against a load of non-force combatants. The awesome Ben Shapiro on SJWs : [url][/url] Everybody in the movie turned their brain off. Just edit out everything between the opening and closing credit sequences. Whatever the rules of physics are in the SW universe, they are expected to be consistent. Bombs fall in space, debris doesn't fall. Lasers sometimes fly in a straight line, sometimes arc in a parabola. People who want to win wars, that's who. [quote]Rose is the one who said "We win by saving what we love." [/quote] It just occurred to me that her sister did the precise opposite at the beginning of the movie, sacrificing herself at the front of the move. And of course we know Rose prevents Finn from doing exactly the same at the end of the movie. I guess it operates on a similar principle as the time machine in Terminator, only with dead tissue rather than living. I don't blame Poe for getting Rose's sister killed since she directly disobeyed an order from higher command to retreat. Then there's the more serious problem of the bombers being so slow that they can't outrun the explosion of whatever it is they just bombed, essentially making every bombing run a suicide mission. I can't imagine the New Order chasing the remains of the rebel forces over a couple of weeks in open space. Or huge nostrils. This makes me wonder how Holdo ever made it to Admiral with absolutely no leadership or strategy skills whatsoever. Most of the ships in the fleet have hyperspace ability - hell, even the single-seater X-wings. the fleet could have easily scattered across the galaxy and rendez-vous later at some location. The tracker can't possibly follow all of them simultaneously. Someone (presumably the flagship) will draw the sort straw and be tracked. You've done a U-turn on your own requirements. My work here is complete. Because it's a reasoned answer, as per your request.