MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Insecure anti-feminist makes pathetic ma...

Insecure anti-feminist makes pathetic male-only "Last Jedi" fan edit

A tweet that covered it pretty well:
MRA 1: We're not sexist and we hate safe spaces because we're not snowflakes... Now, let's cut out all of the women from The Last Jedi because women are icky.
MRA 2: We have no sense of Irony


If you remove all the females, you still have a dogshit movie. And no story. So how the hell does this fix anything?
The movie is rotten at its core. SW is dead, bury it.


I cringed hard


Won't you be left with no-one since all male roles were made redundant in this film anyway?

I get that you're trying to 'deflect' from this truth and do the typical SJW defense that is to mark any criticism of a film that is discriminatorily 'progressive' - but it only proves the opposite point.


No edit could have saved this movie.

Here's some of what they changed:

- No whiny/reluctant/murderous psycho Luke.
- NO HALDO! She simply doesn't exist. Her whole subplot doesn't exist. The Kamikaze is carried out by Poe. ( = Poe dies.)
- Leia never scolds, questions nor demotes Poe.
- Lea dies. Kylo kills her.
- Kylo is more badass and much less conflicted and volatile.
- Kylo takes on more of Snoke's guards, Rey struggles with a single one.
- No bomber heroism by china girl in the beginning.
- No Canto Bight.
- No superpowered Rey.
- Luke is not a semi-force-ghost and is smashed by the first laser cannon shot. (sorry, I just had to!)
- Phasma is finished after the first blow by Finn. (Women are naturally weaker than men, she isn't force-sensitive, and we know nothing about any exo-skeleton in her suit)
- Asian chick speaks less, doesn't bully Finn, Finn doesn't try to escape, she is never formally introduced. She is just there and occasionally smiles at Finn or screams "Finn!". She has no sister. Serves her right for all the heinous stuff she did.
- Lots of little cuts reducing the number of female facial shots. Too many to count. (Pun intended.)
- Quite a few scenes rearranged so that the flow of the shortened movie is still somewhat coherent.


Just edit out everything between the opening and closing credit sequences.


There was some good John Williams music in there too. I'd be ok with a ten minute space montage while they play it.


Good one, that made me laugh.


This was exactly what I was thinking when I heard this crap earlier today. Men's rights activists are really making every man look like a punk at this point. Just shut the hell up.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review is right here-


I see. But this sexist journalist telling trash like "MRA" and "The latest Star Wars instalment was praised for the way it tackled themes of toxic masculinity" isnt the problem in your point of view.


Like others have said, take away the ham fisted (white)feminist cringe and these Di$ney Star Wars films are still a pile of hot garbage.


So this sexist journalist is your way of thinking? With the braindead tweets like "He surely wont get a girlfriend!". Welcome to the fifities. This time with exchanged genders, but as barbaric and stupid like then.


Like watching a car crash...

Why did the feminists have to choose Star Wars for their agenda? Why pick on nerds? The softest, most amiable, sensitive male-dominant group in contemporary culture...

As much as I decry the rise of manchild culture, I wouldn't have done that to these guys... It's bad form to punch down... It's as if there is no empathy... Why not go after horror movies, high finance and politics and such? Oh, yeah... Those men don't care what feminists think of them*... πŸ˜‚

But more to the point, these mens rights groups are heading very quickly to the kind of myopic identity politics that feminists have been trapped in for decades... The danger is that if you have that kind of ideology take power, it could get very ugly... for women espacially... No laughing matter...

* That MP who resigned because he touched a knee 15 years ago is the exception that proves the rule.. What a tool... πŸ˜‚
