MovieChat Forums > ProgSinister > Replies
ProgSinister's Replies
He's only got 2 tiny xeno embryos to play with. And as far as I know, the crew of Covenant never managed to get a message back to Earth about the change of plan, so David can continue to work on the Engineer's planet with a whole colony ship of hosts to play with.
A question for anyone who could be bothered...
With David left in charge of the ship at the end of the movie, why did he decide to continue to the original destination instead of immediately landing back in the engineer's home planet and returning to everything he's researched so far?
So a full day and a half of screenings from which to draw conclusion. Not very conclusive, IMHO.
That report was posted on the same day it was released in China. I call BS on their figures.
I can't imagine anybody asking for a movie worse than Prometheus.
Forgery or Froggery?
How is your theory that urns dipped in to goo turn into eggs theory? Is that doing well too?
I'm guessing you are Flamboyant.
I just fancied a change :)
What was your IMDB name?
There will be 3 ships of colonists.
The first will pick up David's distress call, land on it, and discover David has opened a shop selling carnival masks which are actually facehuggers. The first crew all fall sucker to David's scam and all die.
The second ship will attempt to rescue the first ship only to end in disaster as the pilot accidentally navigates his way into a volcano.
The third ship explodes when a crew member confuses the 'activate distress beacon' button with the 'detonate- highly-explosive-barrels-placed-next-to-even-more-explosive-ship's-main-reactor-core' button.
It is nice and quiet not that all the trolls have been culled. Pity there's nothing to discuss anymore.