MovieChat Forums > Levtones > Replies
Levtones's Replies
Didn't he say he ran out of material for the show?
His entire existence will have been all for naught if he doesn't get "I'll be back" chiselled on this tombstone.
Answer the fucking question.
So, anyway, you're saying Jamie Lee Curtis <i>isn't</i> a cunt?
Sounds like you had a traumatic childhood. Wanna talk about it?
Another cunt.
I love that this guy's only post on MC was to say Jackie Chan is gay.
America has some weird fucking laws. You can't walk across the street, really?
I refuse to believe Bruce and Demi produced those...things.
Scarlett looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp standing next to Natalie.
But can he move his head in the suit properly now?
Because I fucking said so.
Fairuza Balk is one of the sexiest human beings to ever exist.
Cheng Pei Pei was before Angela Mao.
That's 11 too many.
Probably saw an episode of the new Wednesday series and dropped dead because of how terrible it is.
Came here to ask the same thing. Anyone?
She looks fucking great in The Owl and the Pussycat.