Levtones's Replies

"way better than Army & The TV series" Absolutely fucking not. Nick Nolte is 82 years old. So was Hitler. I think the stress of the apocalypse had completely changed him for the worst. He'd had enough of being treated like shit by the men, and letting the zombies into the complex was his final "fuck you" to them. She doesn't have much of a chest to show. Okay, and? Adam Driver is too ugly to play a young De Niro. When I think of asses, Rachel McAdams' ass...something comes out of me. "Musician" Tits are overrated, especially hers. Not being attracted to tits doesn't make you gay. I don't see her appeal, either. TCM2 > Every Lynch film Yep, and Jenna Ortega. Sequel was utter shite, unfortunately. Riggs' suicide attempt is better than anything in Die Hard. Images you can smell... Why? Prom Night is awful. They'd need to hurry up. Williams is 700 years old. I'm sick of her already. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/louis-ck-run-material-fx-series-louie/story?id=38965210