ccr1633's Replies

SammyJackson wrote: "Yes, when virus.exe claimed that pansexuality was nothing more than attention seeking, that was clearly just about the plot of the film. When countless trolls on imdb talked only about how small daisys boobs were, that was clealy about her acting. Threads here cliaming that only transsexuals and shemales defend this movie, or that pansexuals are child molesters that just all in my head. Clearly Im the problem." And when people passed around images likening George Bush Jr to a chimp, or laugh about Donald Trump's orangish hair, that's all about their job performance, right? Yes, you are part of the problem. You're a hypocrite and there are way too many of you poisoning politics, race relations, and gender relations. Hopefully your kind will die off in a couple of generations, leaving a more enlightened populace to push forward. Considering that Mexicans still comprise about 50% of all illegal aliens in the US, why not focus on them? Of course Trump lies. Hillary lies. Most every politician does. That doesn't give the likes of SammyJackson to be bigoted. You just prefer a different group to generalize. "lol you people?" Yes. By "you people" he likely means hypercritical, hypocritical bigots masquerading as fighters for equal rights. SammyJackson wrote: "Lol no trump won because he promised to make jobs. Because people like you put gender, race and religion before what’s right. And by that I mean anything that isn’t white, straight and Christian is wrong." Wrong. Trump picked up steam when he amplified the problem of illegal immigration. He did so in a pathetically clumsy way, but that's really what carried him to the presidency. He also tapped into the frustrations of tens of millions of people who are sick of the likes of you, who call them racists, anti-women, etc., without knowing the first thing about them and being closed minded to reasoned arguments and examples of the hateful bigotry emanating from so-called "progressives" that dominate the media and entertainment industries. BS. Kennedy is on record of boasting of her prejudicial hiring of women for the top level Star Wars creative team. That's anti-male gender discrimination, and that's just for starters. Let me wear the dunce cap atop the progressive mindset for a moment. Why is there no top level black male writer on the Disney Star Wars team to get a "proper perspective" on the Finn character? Sounds to me like black folks are being shortchanged by the white female matriarchy. SammyJackson wrote: "Lol ok" Brilliant argument. There's a textbook example of the intellectual might of today's champion of equality. Face it buddy. The war for gender equality for women has been won. It's over. To get the juices of righteousness flowing, the likes of you and Kathleen Kennedy need to amplify minutiae into white male patriarchal oppression. Lol. Not intimidated at all. Just sick of the shrill hypocrisy of feminists like Kathleen Kennedy who don't get called out on their bigotry, and in fact are celebrated for it. Rogue One was the best Star Wars film since Ep. III, which are the only two even remotely worthy of the original trilogy IV-VI. I'm surprised Rogue One gets as much flak as it does. I thought it was a nice stylistic return to the grungy-yet-futuristic look of the great sci-fi films of the late 70s and early 80s, with great special effects and wide angle, expansive shots to boot. Kathleen Kennedy is a scumbag misandrist. I hope young men start waking up to the feminist propaganda and understand that it's no longer a movement for equality and fair treatment. It's about securing advantages for women at every level: the work place, schools, entertainment, media, government. You name it. Just as an example, the percentage of female college graduates, relative to males, is nearing 60%. I don't include the gender confused in that statistic. Women seem to be perfectly happy with this outcome, probably thinking it's simply evidence of their superior brains and work ethic. Young men, in particular, are being shortchanged. I'll listen to some of the feminist jive from minorities, but when white women - especially in America - piss and moan about their oppression, I just roll my eyes. There is no more privileged group in western civilization than white women. Kathleen Kennedy openly and proudly enriches herself with gender appropriation and PC bullzhit. @jerrellejames: Your data clearly shows that the popularity of Anderson's films is in steep decline, and for good reason. I found "The Master" to be a worthwhile view, but tedious and a noticeable step down from TWBB. Since then he has made two major films that I have no desire to see a second time. They weren't even good enough for me to give the benefit of doubt for a reappraisal. I'm hoping he'll make a comeback. The repeated failures of true film auteurs like Anderson just inspires Hollywood to pump out a higher percentage of mindless garbage. "Is it? Bloody hell I wish I'd had a teacher like that." Lol. Me too. It is noteworthy that female teachers busted for having sex with their underage students receive far less stiffer sentences than do men. Female privilege. Don't let their whining about inequality fool you. "Ever hear of HARVEY WEINSTEIN, KEVIN SPACEY, CHARLIE ROSE???..." Which goes to show that rapists, perverts, mass murderers, child molesters, racists, misogynists, misandrists, and all other variants of scumbag come in all races and nearly equal proportion. johnral wrote: "The scene might be artsy and all... but the kissing part of the scene is not very realistic. You don't go smooching if you're in an elevator with someone who wants to kill you." A few comments: (1) Give some latitude for artistic license. (2) If you've ever made out while roaming the streets with someone you just met who really digs you too, then you'd know that time stands still in those magical public makeout moments. What seems likes 5 minutes to you is 5 seconds to everyone else. This elevator kiss wasn't quite as obvious a time of vulnerability as you imply. (3) The Driver obviously loved Lena, but he probably decided to kiss her right then and there to distract Bernie's henchman from the violent fate that soon befell him, to make him think his own designs weren't suspected. (4) If the Driver had just there on guard, taking furtive glances at the henchman's coat, then he would've lost the element of surprise and might even have triggered the goon into pulling out his piece before he could react. 1. It's possible that Cole considered Starr's knife to be of higher quality than his own. 2. He would've had to pull his knife out of Starr's leg, ruining the fluidity of his dramatic exit and dissing of Belle. I always assumed the idea was to prevent the blood from gushing all over the place, like onto his clothes or the table. You need to get around more msetc. For example: [url][/url] You think race wasn't on peoples' minds when addressing the merits of this film before and after its release? There were a ton of complaints that the minimal Caucasian presence was too much, and represented a "whitewashing" of what according to the whiners should have been a less diverse cast. Females aren't good enough anymore, not if they're white females, it seems. For example: [url][/url] [url][/url] So get a clue pal. You're woefully underinformed. Stereotypical SJW concerns, of the ugly racist variety, have been front and center in the media since this film was released. You think these clowns judge the movie "by its own merits?" Talk about naive. Regardless of how true the film is to the book, it's the SJW appearances and all the accompanying superficialities of diversity that explains why critics overly praised a mediocre, forgettable film. Well, Deadpool didn't have the pre-release free advertising from millions of white people heralding the imminent arrival of the film as a landmark cultural moment that no Caucasian would want to miss. Nor did it have the support of mainstream media doing that very same thing.