DarthJJ's Replies

Strange… didn’t help… She is interesting looking. Not if you believe here new IG rants about her mother. She dropped out of multiple high schools and is now 28 without her BS. She is also broke and homeless. The latest is her mother is taking her to court. Like most people in Hollywood their background is all made up. I liked it. I avoided the board still I was finished watching. Iran is the only country other than the US that had F-14s. But We’re in Iran does it have snow at sea-level? They opted out of the IMAX release. As far as I can tell they never made the MP7. The MP7 in semi-would be a SBR and and require a tax stamp to own. Was that it for the series? That bitches will do shit for $ and fame! I think they are trying to make that actress the new “it” girl. They dressed her up to look like her grandpa. Pull up an image of him from Ghostbusters and she looks just like him. Maybe its a good idea not to take medical advice from a Rock Star or Movie Star. What would suck is being in a jail cell with a gay Wookiee rapist. Are you saying the Saarlac doesn’t like Boba Fatty meals? Boba Fatt needs CGI to sit up straight on his throne. He couldn’t get his paws around Boba’s Fatt. Please leave Boba Fatt’s 1%er scooter gang alone! Leave Boba Fatt alone! They should also change Boba Fett to Boba Fat. I wonder if he signed the autographs “ not Macaulay Culkin”? Jews are not a race of people. Like Christians and Muslims, Jews are made up of people around the world.