Is Phoebe a boy or girl?

if it’s a girl, why does it have that boyish looking haircut and the clothes look masculine.

If it’s a boy, why is the actress playing “it”a girl?

I watch Ghostbuster movies to see ghosts getting busted.....why distract from this with the “It’s Pat” subplot?


Is Phoebe a boy or girl?

Neither. Gender is an increasingly antiquated concept, just like empiricism and rational thought


Let me make this easy for you....

When you need to tinkle do you sit down or do you stand up?

When you join a basketball team is it men or women’s?

When you’re trying to attract that special someone is it easier when they know your gender or when they don’t have a fricken clue?

That’s not antiquated haha, you’ve made your life infinitely harder and mental illness is to blame.


When you join a basketball team is it men or women’s?

It's getting tougher and tougher to tell who is what these days. Thanks for popularizing this shit, Caitlyn Jenner


When I tinkle, I squat, especially in public toilets and don't use urinals. I hate the splash of piss from others or just in general.


Squatting to poop or even pee is the anatomically correct way to evacuate your bowels and bladder. Even as a dude and especially as a dude. Prevents all kinds of medical complications when you reach middle age.


Were you home schooled? We had a Tomboy in school in the 60s. My middle sister never wore dresses. Plenty of girls like that at University.


My mom wears boy boxers...


Tomboys look 100 times more feminine than Phoebe, it’s distracting as hell.


You've never seen a tomboy in your life, let alone a woman.


What the fuck is your problem? Why would phoebe need to wear a dress or anything other than what she is wearing.


They dressed her up to look like her grandpa. Pull up an image of him from Ghostbusters and she looks just like him.


Why not just cast a male actor and have it be a Grand Son who looks like Grand Pops?

It’s just too distracting while watching the film.

Can you imagine if Matt Damon wore a female wig in the Bourne movies and dressed like a chick? It certainly would distract from the story would it not?


I think they are trying to make that actress the new “it” girl.


Attractive female teenager, obviously.


What is the agenda behind blurring the lines between gender?

Long haired all American looking girl would make such a better impact.


Tomboy. What rock did you grow up under? :)


Tomboys look and dress more feminine than that, try again.


That is a very narrow view for describing a girl who behaves in a stereotypically boyish manner.

The tomboys I knew growing up in the 1970's worn demin and t-shirts; usually considered to be boys clothes. They were never mistaken for boys though.
