DarthJJ's Replies

She was also on video smoking crack. This is what you get when you contract with Ryan Air for your space ship. There are more backup features on the 1960s Cessna 172 that I fly than this spaceship. ruff ryders roll, gonna toss DMX in a hole. Guess the next time Ruff Ryders roll, is to drop DMX in a hole. Dude, a dick move would be saying, I hope they cast a white guy as his replacement. Team Screaming the world is ending soon seems like a teenager's excuse for getting caught having sex. I grew up in California on the beach and never experienced NY-NJ until I was an adult. I couldn't believe how they would talk to each other and how loud everyone was. Everything was a major issue that required people to fight and bitch. It was sensory overload. Mikey Madison Pretty sure Trebek has all the answers! Suck it Trebek. Sincerely, Turd Ferguson and Sean Connery. I have a particular set of skills, I can make movies with the same plot over and over. In my opinion, this may be a hidden cost of drug abuse. The body's immune response is weaker than those who didn't abuse their bodies. There is an opinion that people who are obese or diabetic are also at a higher risk because of the stress that their bodies are under. Want the Kung Flu, going to the movie is how you get the Kung Flu. In one of his books, he wrote himself into the story to rescue the heroes. I look forward to his family selling off the rights to his stories that he refused to sell to Hollywood after they botched a few of his works. 1st things 1st, lets have and drink and litter the beach. When I saw the movie the first night it was released, a girl gave a guy a blow job two rows in front of me. She had on a lite windbreaker kind of jacket. Every time she moved the fabric made friction rubbing sound. Pretty much everyone stopped watching the movie and started watching them. He proved that when he landed on a taxiway. The Borg can not be a collective in my opinion. The original Borg must be outnumbered by those who didn't want to be assimilated. So the collective thoughts would force the Borg to stop being a bunch of assholes. It was so true!