winslow's Replies

She's in the comics, but she never disappeared like she did on the show. But she was sort of a minor character until recently, where she becomes very important. The better world is more like a decentralized set of communities who live in peace and thrive by trading. Like the oceanside group has access to fish, they can trade with another group for produce, etc. The Saviors have access to a very important resource in the comics, but before the war, they had not realized they could trade it to get pretty much everything they spend most their time taking from others. If there is a threat to one of the groups, all of them will answer their call for aid. The more groups participate in this system, the larger and more stable it becomes. Of course, this presents a new set of problems, but it's good for the show because it's been hitting on the same 2 or 3 themes and there's not much more they can do with them that they haven't already. I think this episode might have been running on separate timelines as well, because some of the Saviors were saying they called and backup was on the way. Morales was the longest running myth the show has had. Every season people claim Morales will return and now it finally happened. Yes, it looks like that's what they're trying to do. They are blurring the lines between Rick's group and the Saviors. Negan tells his people that Rick's group wants to kill them all and from what some of them have seen, they are going to believe him. To the Saviors, Rick's group are the villains- this episode was calling back to the first time they attacked the outpost. There was the thing on the road with Daryl, Abraham, etc., (but that group was acting out of bounds) Negan hadn't even threatened Alexandria at that time and Rick only attacked them on behalf of the Hilltop. That caused Negan to retaliate and kill Abraham + Glenn. Then Carl sneaks in and kills some Saviors, Negan finds some admiration for Carl and brings him back to show how he can be reasonable. Rosita tries to kill him and Daryl kills Fat Joey, Negan brings Sasha back and everyone pretty much commits to killing each other. Jesus on the show has an understanding of what the new, larger world is supposed to be, and that world needs the Saviors to survive the war and become allies. Rick in the premier was torn between wrath and mercy, at the end he says his mercy prevails. I think that part actually happens at the end of the war, and in episode 2 he still wants to kill all the Saviors. Most of these scenes since season 5 are being recreated from the comics, they just take out the F-bombs and change some characters around. It will take 3 or 4 more seasons to catch up to the latest issue. I get the feeling Gabriel was NOT wearing his shittin' pants still part of their plan Yes, Rick would be mad if someone else shot Negan and they really don't want to kill each other. the hair was different I agree it may not come true, it's just Rick envisioning the future they could have. There is some significance because for most of the show they are just trying to survive or protect the bit of territory they have, and never really thought about rebuilding the world. In one of the promos released this summer, the TWD logo is not decayed, and one bit of information that came from the showrunners is that we will see the end of the war in season 8. The fuel/electricity situation is dealt with in the comic, but it doesn't cover what happens in the 2 or so years after the war. live performance "another one rides the bus" : Before they kill Negan, they need to know how his people will react. Remember the last 2 seasons, "we are all Negan". Ideally they want Negan to be kicked out by his own people and the remaining saviors be allies. Rick said it in the speech, it is their world too if they wish to live in peace. When Rick went to kill Negan, he had let his personal grudge get in the way of the plan, and Gabriel stopped him. If you want some more insight into their plan, it is in issue #115 and #116 of the comics. There are slight deviations, and the characters doing/saying things in the comics are sometimes different on the TV show. It's a factory, they can see the windows from the ground on the inside, if they are broken they can hear what's going on outside. Also has been established for a long time that breaking glass attracts zombies. They found everything they needed in season 7. The hardest to find were the shell casings and they found a lot around the Oceanside camp. They're not trying to kill the people inside, the explosions are to steer zombie herds to surround the sanctuary. If they follow the source material, this part about not killing will make sense later. We'll probably never see Maggie go to full term. It looks like there will be a time jump and then she'll just be carrying a kid around. The scene where Judith is speaking is a couple years after the end of the war. The other Judith, I don't know, but is definitely played by a different girl (or twins) than the one in season 7. Season 7 was supposedly only a few weeks. What we see in this episode probably happens later than where the next few episodes pick up.