MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > When are the writers going to realise

When are the writers going to realise

Having explosions and sporadic gunfire aimed at nothing is not exciting. Yeah, it makes your trailer look action-packed, but what were they firing at? The saviours? I didn't see any. Did they run out of extras? Why the hell did Rick's group not just shoot Negan and the others on the balcony? Yeah, I get it plot armour, but why even have a scene like that considering the whole episode is Rick saying "He dies. Trust me, I'll kill him" Then when they are a few feet apart he doesn't try shooting him but shoots the windows.

Also, the ending with Gabrielle and Negan, there's no reason for Gabrielle not to shoot Negan. No matter what Negan says, there's no reason for Gabrielle not to just kill him.


They're not trying to kill the people inside, the explosions are to steer zombie herds to surround the sanctuary. If they follow the source material, this part about not killing will make sense later.


Yeah. It's all pretty dumb. The writers still don't know how to write properly. If they actually got some that knew what they were doing, TWD could be incredible. But no. We get random dumb shit happening to progress the plot. It does my head in.


Remember that they want to destroy the Saviors completely as an organization, not just pop Negan and have someone else take over. And they were further apart than they looked. The zoom setting does that. Haven't you ever noticed how the moon in some shots appears huge in the sky? Or the pitcher looks like he's standing ten feet away from home plate? Same effect. The distance between the door of the Sanctuary and the perimeter fence has been shown before and it's far enough that your odds of hitting someone with an unsighted weapon are not too good.


They could still destroy the rest of the saviors after taking out Negan here. Plus, they have demonstrated on numerous occasions their headshots are more often than not perfect. Also, now that Dwight is fully on their side, what was stopping him from just killing Negan there and then? Or at any point?


Simon would probably cap Dwight right then and there if he killed Negan. But thinking about it, Rick's group used a couple of sharpshooters to take out the Saviors on guard duty at the Sanctuary. They could've had them reload and wait for Negan to show himself. Don't know. I've heard people say that in the comics Negan was left alive deliberately for some strategic reason, although Rick was trying to shoot him here so that doesn't seem to cover the show.

Unless of course Father Gabriel stopped Rick because his own plan called for not killing Negan. It could be as simple as the fact that they don't really want peace if it means the Saviors remain a functional group. Knowing no peace that doesn't involve his head on a stick will satisfy Rick, Negan has zero incentive to consider negotiating. Even if that was in his nature.


Other than plot convenience, I really can't see any rational reason as to why they would need Negan alive for strategic purposes. Plus, even if Simon were to attack Dwight after killing Negan, what about the 30+ people Rick was there with, they could have just opened fire on them.


For that matter why didn't they just open fire on them to begin with and try to get them all? I don't know. If they wanted to spare Dwight, Daryl could have arrowed him a message warning "When Rick says [such-and-such], take cover!".

One reason I personally might leave Negan and his inner circle alone for the time being is that, despite their many faults, Negan has basically gotten this group together that's disciplined and dedicated to enforcing the rules of his little fiefdom. You get the definite impression a lot of the Saviors (like Rapey Davey) would turn to indiscriminate brutality and plunder without an authority figure they fear to reign them in. So instead of cutting off the head to kill the beast, it might be better to cripple the body first and dispatch the head after.


Negan is not left alive for a strategic reason in the comics. Simple, Rick wants to be better than Negan , he had an epiphany 🙄 He doesn't want to cold bloodedly kill him.


Like the dozen guys he kills in cold blood on the way to Negan. That's dumb TV logic. And honestly I stopped reading the comic because it was poorly written too.


I hear ya! I love my Rickster but logic is not always present in his decisions. I rather love TV Rick, yet do not love comic Rick. I'm still reading though.


>> I stopped reading the comic because it was poorly written too.

That's why they call it a comic.
And now most TV and movies are basically comics too.


I agree .... what it is full-employment for special-effects people
and nothing for writers? I think they should get more writers
who can write and have less effects.
