necramonium's Replies

I think she wandered off into the woods struck with grief over the death of [spoiler]Bishop Heahmund.[/spoiler] Really? Comparing a water animal to a land animal? That is your logic to go with, a whale is completely designed by evolution to swim, a Brontosaurus can't, its the same when you put the whale on land, it can't walk, it dies. And it's known that a Brontosaurus very likely could not swim, there were not dinosaurs that could swim, as dinosaurs all were land animals. Look up on history how much kings and queens and such screwed around, it's more than realistic. It was entertaining, and Melissa McCarthy was not that annoying as see was in other movies. Telling your son to watch his mouth against his father is raising your kid right, he was being pissy about stuff Ezekiel had no control over. Don't forget, he was looking for his family, in the end he found them, in the group. I miss Beth. :( Except that Hamill is not mentioned on his IMDB profile that he is in the show. If you look at his IMDB page, he is not listed as being in the show, he only was on Breaking Bad so far. i have started watching Breaking Bad again, and i have to say, the first season is allot worse than Better Call Saul, and i'm just gonna say that the spin-off is allot better! BB really has not aged well, the first season that is. I am watching the show again, first time since it was aired, and all the characters were dicks, not a single one in the first few episodes i liked. Skyler nagged about everything, when Walt did not come home early for two days, she instantly thought he was cheating on her. Walt was being a dick for not telling his family he had cancer (he just wanted to not tell them and just drop dead one day coughing up blood?) Hank was just a overall douchebag that i know became better in the later seasons. Walt Jr was your typical teen angst douche, perfect example was that he thought it was stupid that Walt was not being sad he was gonna die so he just said across the room to "just die already". Skyler never got any better, sure Walt was being a dick to turn into a criminal but his reasons were to not leave his family behind with his bills from his cancer treatments. She had all these little things to control him, like not buying real bacon anymore because imagine eating real bacon! you might die from that! But the worst she did was cheating on Walt, luckily her lover died, well, more like killed himself technically. The cooks in the cartel, all cooked up meth with a bad purity rate, don't forget that the reason why Walter White's meth in the show was so popular, is because he had a incredible high purity rate, a stunning 99,1. The other cook, a chemist as well had some samples from Gus from his cooks and told him the purity is poor (i think it was about in the 70's) and he could make allot purer meth. He is who you see in the scene with Gus in the "basement" aka the future superlab in tonights episode, The chemist, Gale Boetticher, WAS the cook before Walter took over. He was portrait by the same actor in Breaking Bad in season 3 and 4. It's basically not possible without being a chemist to make really pure meth. If Gus gets that lab going, he will be more powerful than his boss (the cartel) from all the profits, something Lalo will not like, as Gus will also be bigger than him! Some people are just that size, they only get rid of it doing an incredible amount of exercise of diet. Or he found a crap load of twinkies. The biggest issue i see is, that Venom, he is the protagonist in the movie, even though he is a villain in the Spider-Man universe, i have no clue how they are gonna do this movie, without a hero like Spidey in the mix. They are just gonna let him rampage around the town and than just fade to black and end credits? For me it was the other way around, Jurassic World failed to deliver for me, but Fallen Kingdom was more entertaining, i think it maybe was because of the addition of the horror movie scenes they added, while JW was just a giant "run away from the dinosaurs", in FK it was "grab the dinosaurs, save the dinosaurs, run away from the giant killing machine dinosaur". I think it was a Brontosaurus, they estimated some 15 tons, they could not swim, it would have sunk to the bottom like a brick. I rewatched the movie today and indeed, they went a bit overboard with the mud and filth and strange rags on their helmets. Sure some of these soldiers sometimes went for a long time without a shower and their uniforms became dirty, but soldiers are very intuitive when it came to survival, they were taught in basic training to keep their gear and them self clean, as this would keep their weapons working in perfect condition and they won't be in risk them self for any deceases. They would either wash in a spring (and seeing this took place in a rainy season, water was everywhere) or went to a farm. Improvised rags on their helmets and such were not a thing back than, as they had to stay identifiable for friendly troops from long distances or you would get a friendly fire "issue". I can imagine tank crew being covered in grease and dirt as they had to fix their tank, but would clean up or the grease would be inside the tank as well. There is allot of bias when it came to this movie, "we finally had a real black super hero", totally forgetting about Blade, who also is a Marvel hero. But after seeing the movie, it was very bland, there was not a single action scene that me made go, wow, that was a nice action scene, mostly because the CGI was horrible. All they did was pretty much copy Luke Cage's Netflix series story (where was the mass praise for this Marvel series with a black superhero?), aka, kill the main bad guy first, and than come up with a new one, have a disappointing finish and not have a end to your story. Acting was on 3rd grade level as well.