MovieChat Forums > necramonium

necramonium (225)


This show is way too dark Tim Stark Example that going Rated R won't make a movie better Metallic electronic masks on some zombies? "dont call them terrorists!" Is Karl Urban channeling Jack Sparrow a bit? Simple movie for a few good laughs All they needed is a moat Excellent costumes View all posts >


Never? This show ended in 2019 with a fitting farewell episode. The worst part about this bombing so hard, is that we will never see another good Crow movie or series again. Was to be expected, i did not even know the movie was about to release, almost zero marketing for this movie beside the new crow character being in Call of Duty. Remember how a decade ago we see trailers on tv constantly, even if the movie was bad. In the 90's even movies that were bad got huge marketing campaigns, even toys! Now, just a trailer on YouTube and thats it, they got no faith in their movies anymore. If he really leaves, and its not a negotiation tactic, they should really end the show at the end of Season 5, he is Yellowstone, or else you get the same crap like The Walking Dead where the main character is killed off and every season becomes worse and worse. Same thing happened to Vikings when Ragnar was killed off. Did Keaton forgot the voice he used for Beetlejuice? I only heard his Beetle voice when he said "the juice is loose", right after that he talked mostly with his Keaton voice. The location felt so wrong, like, if it was in the seedy location where the movie started, it would have fit better, but not on a beach side bar, with a terrace on the beach. It felt like a nice road bar where you stop as a tourist on your way to the Keys to get a margarita. Like, the only problems they had were a bunch of bikers being dicks (that we later of course find out is part of a bigger plan). I hated the location of the bar, it was not a run down rowdy bar, it was a good looking bar, right on the beach. All they did to add the rowdy part was add a biker gang. Would not call this movie realistic, it was HUGE tongue in cheek, especially with McGregor running around like Florida man. This show is solid proof that Steven Spielberg has lost it. Show lacks any soul and we get way too many people we should care about somehow for no reason given. In the intro you see some scenes of POW's walking in the snow, and a POW camp being shot up by attack planes, so Buck's crew very likely survived and got captured, something we will see in any future episodes. View all replies >