MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies
dteam6's Replies
Still didn't answer my question.
I support "leftist" ideology? How? Name examples of it right here. Quote me on them. Provide links where I've supported it. Give examples.
Put your money where you mouth is, Trumpkin.
Please tell me this is sarcasm. In the Age of Trump it's too hard to tell anymore.
Both sides claim to be tolerant and both sides possess their own fair share of hypocrites.
I don't know enough to comment much on it beyond simply stating this: several developed countries that partake in it sure seem a whole hell of a lot happier than we Americans.
Both sides are guilty of things like this, though. I've been called a "misogynist" for hating a woke film and I've been called "Antifa sympathizer" by Trumpers for condemning police gassing/beating innocent non-rioters.
Both sides are guilty of this.
Your post does remind me of several reasons why I will never become a democrat, though. I hear those things a lot online. However, I'll also never turn republican either. Both platforms are full of poison in one way or another.
I'm honestly just sick of the two-party system here in America. We're nothing but divided and feel anything but free.
It would be nice if Biden became more than a prop. Let's hope!
I'm not really a fan of most of our presidents of late so I don't expect much from Biden. He's not Trump. That's literally the one compliment I can pay him right now.
I'm just worried that a Biden presidency will be little more than a lull to carry us to 2024. That still sounds better than 4 more years of Trump. That's the sad part.
It's nice to hear your friend renounced Trump. I guess it's true that some Trumpers are waking up after all.
And then the real funny piece of irony here: the one sane one of the bunch (Mary) becomes a psychiatrist. LOL!
You Trumpers lose any and all credibility when you continually call people "leftist" just because they hate Trump.
She actually does look a little like a gargoyle with human skin rolled over it, now that you mention it.
She looked ugly, insane and like a plastic mannequin come to life in that psychotic, loud rant of hers.
I knew that, if I just scrolled down, someone would be revealed to have already done the research I didn't want to do on this one and shut this idiot down.
Well done! :)
So, you're a leftist?
Unless they got a REALLY good look-alike or used old archive footage, Fat Boy is very much conscious and alive.
You know Trump is bad when even Kim Jong-Un is going: "That guy is an idiot".
Trump's entire presidency has been an odd sort of fantastical of which we can't seem to wake up from.
Yes, it's amazing how powerful the incumbent position is--so powerful that, even with his bungled response to COVID and a crashed economy, he's only 11 points under Biden--that his support base is still holding THAT firm.
This is the shit that scares me. Under ANY other circumstances, I'd despise Biden as a presidential choice, same as I did Hillary...but Trump is really just that bad that I look to Biden as some sort of a reprieve. I DON'T think Biden will be a good president. I just think that anything that isn't Trump or a Trump loyalist at this point can only be an improvement. We've sunk THAT low.
I don't know if I'll continue posting here or not if Trump wins either.
I GUARANTEE that, if Trump wins again, all attention will shift from "Will Trump win a second term?" to "Will Trump leave at the end of his second term or find a way to stay on?". Things are getting THAT bad.
Exactly. I'm sick of this wishy-washy bullshit. I find it so baffling that I sometimes wonder if some of the dem officials secretly WANT Donald to win. I mean--it's possible, right? I'm sure SOME of the dems financially benefit from Trump's presidency. Pubs aren't the only ones raking it in. I used to find this notion absurd--then I see the way many dem officials treat Trump like a delicate little flower, all the while he's wailing on them in return.
You know what it's like? It's like a kid being bullied in school with a wishy-washy parent saying: "Fighting him isn't the answer. Just ignore him or try to make friends with him instead." Meanwhile, the bully is pushing/shoving/punching the kid. That's similar to this situation with dem officials and Trump. Sock him in the nose. It's the one thing a bully responds to.
And you're right--they showed more interest in cutting Bernie out. THAT they united on. But Trump? They tiptoe around this orange manchild. What the hell are they afraid of? They have power as well. They are a branch of power within the government. USE IT. At least make a SHOW of being firmly against this guy. Hit him where it hurts. Stop focusing on the stupid shit and GET this guy.
I DESPISE Trump and his administration but they are all good at one thing: attacking their enemies. They're ruthless. They know how to do it. They're very good at it.
This wishy-washy stance is really pissing me off. Trump is dumb. He's a horrible president. EVERYONE knows it. But he has a strength the dem officials aren't taking seriously: he appeals to an unwavering base. He's a clown but he knows how to attract an audience. Even the biggest clowns can draw an audience with enough skill.
People ask me how I can hate Trump but not side with the democrats...this is ONE of the reasons why.
Our country is going to crumble under this two-party system of ours.
Only if Trumpers are officially declared a race of their own.
No, it shows what SOME of the people who support Biden are like. That would be like me saying "all Trumpers are racists" or "all Trumpers are Proud Boys" and then using some news stories as examples.
God, you have some serious screws loose...
In sure our resident Trump-loving racists on this board love this news.