MovieChat Forums > Politics > As someone who has never been liberal or...

As someone who has never been liberal or conservative, I have found myself being more conservative by the day.

I'm finding myself getting sick of sharing an innocent opinion and getting name-called. For example, when I had my Twitter account, I mentioned how I didn't think Beyonce was that great of an artist. I had responses of people telling me that I didn't like successful black women. Another time I said that I don't understand people who look down on people who don't pay their taxes, but are okay with illegal immigrants. I got called a xenophobe. Another time on Twitter a transgender woman mentioned that they liked the movie "Twilight" and when I responded with "you actually like that?", they responded with "how about try not being a transphobe".

I'm also sick of how people believe that all black people are supposed to think the same. The second a black person says that they're conservative, they're called an "uncle Tom" by follow black people.

It's not even a necessarily a case.lf a difference of opinion, it's also about people not wanting to listen and not understanding nuance.

Side note: this has nothing to do with Trump. I completely dislike him.


That's the cancel culture that the Dems play. If you disagree with absolutely anything, they label you -- and hope to destroy you.

On this board, I've been called homophobic, misogynist, racist, and incel. I am none of these things, but these people have no firm answers (or logic), so they resort to slander.

Look at what the media did to that kid, Nick Sandmann.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of losers."


As I said in my last paragraph, it's not necessarily about someone disagreeing with you. Sometimes people just don't want to listen. If I said climate change is real and no one can tell me otherwise, that just tells me that you couldn't be bothered to even attempt to listen to another viewpoint before they can even disagree with it.



This is what happens to the conservatives on a daily basis.

You don't have to like Trump to vote for him. The left votes with their emotions. The right votes their best interests and what's best for the country.

Trump is so unfairly portrayed by the leftist media. They will NEVER talk about all the good he's done because they hate him and hate the USA like never before.

I think you mentioned that you're from another country but I could be mixing you up with another poster. Other countries paint him in a bad light too.

These leftists are more desperate than they've ever been so expect things to get worse in the coming months.
They're using the pandemic and manufactured racism in hopes to get senile, finger rapist Joe Blow in office.

TRUMP 🇺🇸 2020!!!!


On the side note I wrote, I mentioned how I dislike Trump. When I had a Twitter, I would constantly criticize Hillary. Then I'd often get push back from people saying "oh, you're just a typical Trump supporter who hates women". Why does one comment about a politician mean that I'm on the other wing? It's lazy.

As a never Trumper, a lot of the criticism against him is his own doing. However, the media is also responsible for attacking him for things that aren't his fault. I'm tired of hearing "this is Trump's America" whenever something racist happens, as if it didn't happen before him as he was directly the reason.


I'm tired of hearing "this is Trump's America" whenever something racist happens, as if it didn't happen before him as he was directly the reason.

Again, this is the game the Dems play. They WANT everything to look bad, so they can lay it all at Trumps feet. Yes, it's happening on his watch, but everything that happens isn't his fault.

You don't hear the Dems condemn social unrest -- because they like it! I'm sure they're thrilled at how the pandemic ruined the economy. Anything -- ANYTHING -- to take this president down.

They are really evil people. They'd eat your children -- then sue you for giving them indigestion.


Wait, so you're telling me I can sue someone for my indigestion?


Yeah, but don't tell Moviebuff !


Right. I don't consider myself a Republican but I definitely am not a Democrat. (The Democrat party is now gone anyway). Republican is closer to what's important to me but Trump, while he's "Republican," he's really not.
Most politicians only want to do just so much for people and just promise the rest. Otherwise they'd have nothing to run on if they actually fixed things.
Trump is different. He got sick of the political games and wanted better for our country. If the media wasn't so horrible toward him and respected him from day one, and if the Democrats actually tried to work with him, imagine how much better things could have been! Yet he still accomplished so much in an unbelievably amount of time--with constant push back from the media and the Democrats!
Trump has showed everyone that things CAN get done. They're angry at him for revealing this. I waited decades for the news media to be called out for their left leaning, butt kissing...but most of all for their lying and telling narratives that benefit them instead of the truth.
But yes, Trump doesn't have to comment on everything someone says but it's his personality. He was always that way so that isn't going to change. I'll take him with his warts and all.
But the blatant lies and heavily edited clips they show of him to run with a constant negative untrue narrative about him makes me sick.

"As a never Trumper, a lot of the criticism against him is his own doing."

To a degree. I think he can do better staying out of a lot of things and not comment on every little thing. Sometimes he talks way too much. He shouldn't give them💩to talk about. He knows they hate him.

"However, the media is also responsible for attacking him for things that aren't his fault."


"I'm tired of hearing "this is Trump's America" whenever something racist happens, as if it didn't happen before him as he was directly the reason."

Right. Trump gets blamed for everything, even a hangnail!


One of the things that I hate what liberals say is that you're racist of you voted for Trump. I don't think it's that easy. I'm sure a majority of them voted for him because, as you said, Trump was sick of the political games. I remember when he was running, people who were going to vote for him kept saying that he was going to shakeup the white house.


That's the thing with voting. It doesn't mean the voter really wanted that person to run the's just that they definitely didn't want the other person running the country.

I think that's the main reason people will vote for Biden.

In a sense Trump did shake up the White House but not in a bad way. HE shook up the Democrats! He rolled up his sleeves and got right to work and has never stopped. He pulled the curtain away revealing the Democrats and how they want Americans to depend on THEM. Trump was definitely spoiling their plans/agendas that was being built over time between Clinton, Bush and Obama. Then he comes in and messes up decades of their evil doings, setting them back. The witch was supposed to keep it going but surprise surprise!😅


Are you no longer on Twitter? How do these boards compare to your twitter experience?


I got rid of my Twitter a few months ago after an argument. These boards are so much better. I've only had issues with maybe 5 people here, but everyone else is just good people.


Both sides are guilty of things like this, though. I've been called a "misogynist" for hating a woke film and I've been called "Antifa sympathizer" by Trumpers for condemning police gassing/beating innocent non-rioters.

Both sides are guilty of this.

Your post does remind me of several reasons why I will never become a democrat, though. I hear those things a lot online. However, I'll also never turn republican either. Both platforms are full of poison in one way or another.

I'm honestly just sick of the two-party system here in America. We're nothing but divided and feel anything but free.


You're right. However I hear that liberals are supposed to be the tolerant side, but they don't seem to show it. There's a hypocrisy there.


Both sides claim to be tolerant and both sides possess their own fair share of hypocrites.




Truth be told...alt leftist Dems are for Free Speech...until you say something they don’t like! Witness Antifa’s antics. Witness BLM’s atrocities. We’ve always had, since we became a country, big time disagreements! Drafting the Constitution was a nightmare! Time travel to the 1900’s. Politics, unions and other groups became angry and violent. But, when WW2 began everyone became a supporter of the next guy or gal (today you would have to be gender neutral so add “it”).

I think the contempt of others began during the Viet Nam fiasco. Some liked Nixon, others did not. Same with Kennedy, Johnson was despised due to him putting “boots on the ground” in Viet Nam after the lie he told about the Bay of Tonkin. Those who came after Johnson were either liked and had approval or weren’t liked and were disparaged.

But, I have never seen such visceral hatred as there is toward Pres. Trump! The media are great collaborators of the alt leftists in order to bring down a U.S. President. There are posters on this board who have utter vitriolic hatred toward Trump to the point they are obsessed. I didn’t like Obama...he hurt a lot of people. I couldn’t wait for him to leave office. Up until his time in office he was the only president who spoke ill of our country when he was overseas. He did not like the military or Law Enforcement. Did I hate him, of course not! He strikes me as a good husband and father, but he caused a lot of grief.

I have never and will not make jest of Biden’s mental acuity. Maybe it’s because I can relate to the problems of aging. With that said, he will make a terrible president in these trying times. We can’t afford him. The only reason anti-Trumpers are voting against Trump is due to them not liking and hating him. I believe people who vote in that manner have no common sense. They are unable to say how Biden will “Build Back Better” with the same problems on his desk...Covid-19 will still be here. Same circumstances...


I've always said that voting for no one is better than voting for the lesser of two evils. I think Biden would be a better President than Trump, but that's not saying much. I think he'd be pretty bad too.

But you're right, they're for free speech unless you disagree. Remember:

All lives matter = racist
You can't be racist toward white people = not racist

Not paying your taxes = criminal
Illegal immigration = welcome to America

Not voting for Hillary = sexism
Not voting for Carly Fiorina = that's okay.

Not voting for Obama = racist
Not voting for Ben Carson = perfectly reasonable.

Listening to Black people = progressive
Listening to Kanye = dangerous.


You seem to be a reasonable sort. I’m going ask a reasonable question. Why do you think Biden would be a better president? Put your dislike of Trump aside...I don’t care for him personally, but I recall before Covid-19 how good the economy was, people working who weren’t working before, record lowest unemployment for Blacks, less people on food stamps, etc. That whole list you wrote is right out if Biden’s and the Dems playbook. You appear not to like what each point actually means, yet you think Biden would be a better president?

You do know Biden plans on raising taxes and rolling back the Trump tax cuts. Struggling businesses hanging on by their fingernails. Would you prefer Supreme Court and Federal judges Biden would nominate?

The American people are wishy-washy! When things are going good they love the guy (or gal) at the helm. (Oh lordy, I just thought of Nancy Pelosi...she’s 3rd in line to be president! Egads!) Anyhow, as soon as things turn upside down through no fault of the helms(wo)man, I do hate being pc, the people turn on him/her! Think very carefully, do your research regarding Biden. You know Trump. I prefer saying “It’s better to live with the devil you know; than to live with one you don’t know. Also, you could be looking at President Harris! The Marxists are around the corner..


Biden knows that the Virgin Islands are American. Trump didn't. Trump has a bigger ego and also has an issue with not staying off of Twitter. Biden also had extensive political experience beforehand. Trump was just in real estate. Biden also has the experience of being a former VP so he knows what the expectations are.

But really, it's like choosing a 4/10 over a 2/10. Both don't deserve to be in office.


Don’t base it off the person. Base it off of the policies that will come out of the White House.


See, your doing exactly what I wrote, your basing your possible choice of a president on the man...instead of the policies which help the country. I see it on here every day! I have yet to read why an anti-Trumper is against him other than s/he doesn’t like him as a person!

”Biden also had extensive political experience” At what? Can you name anything he has accomplished? Have you taken the time to read his tax plan, what he plans to maybe just down the country. Yep! That’s a winner! Make the country go into free fall!

I swear, I believe a voter should have to give an explanation as to why they are voting for someone. “Because I don’t like him! And, Good Grief! Trump didn’t know the Virgin Islands are American! Yep! That’s a good reason to vote for Biden! And of course we can’t vote for a person who has a bigger ego. We know he has bigger hands. He probably has a bigger tally-whacker also!

I give up! The ignorance of voters astounds me! God, help us, please!🙏🏻🙏🏻


I give up! The ignorance of voters astounds me! God, help us, please!🙏🏻

I never said I was going to vote for them. I'm not even American. I also never said that Biden accomplished anything while he was VP, I said that he had experience being VP and knows what it's like to be President as he under Obama for 8 years.


Well, darn! You mean I used what brain cells I had left after my accident on a Canadian? And here I was attempting to bring out the best in you! 🙇🏼‍♀️ I meant it when I wrote you appear to be a reasonable sort!

Maybe my thoughts will give an American something on which to chew. One can only hope! 🙏🏻

Seriously, a lot of us don’t want someone from a previous administration. Being a VP and $2.00 will buy a cup of coffee! Biden doesn’t know what it’s like to be president. VP’s are just figureheads. Sometimes though they can do a lot of damage!

Biden as VP, must not have been all that great and knowledgeable.

While the two men did develop a strong affection for one another, there were times Biden drove Obama over the edge as the book reveals a younger Obama once rolled his eyes at Biden's constant babbling, sending a note to his adviser saying: 'Shoot. Me. Now.'

And it was a political embarrassment for Biden when Obama failed to step up and support his former vice president in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential races.


Samoanjoes, Biden is just not as controversial so all of the drama would be dropped by the media, giving the impression that America is back to being normal again.

They would protect him at great lengths, just like they are doing today with all of his off the wall comments. If Trump said 1/100th of the stuff Biden says they would put him through the ringer.

The media always favors Democrats and work overtime to find anything on Republicans. This has been ongoing since way before Trump.

As far as the Virgin Islands thing, did you know in July Biden called Arizona a city? Did you also know Biden claimed he was VP when the Parkland shooting happened...he "remembered" that! What?! Mike Pence was VP during that time! Recently he said he's constantly tested on his cognitive ability and a couple weeks later he got mad when Errol Barnett asked him the same question to which he replied "No I haven't taken a test! Why the hell would I take a test?...c'mon man!"... and then called the man a junkie.

He's definitely not all there.

For a guy who has been in politics for 47 years he has nothing to show for himself. He has nothing to show for VP, either.
Now he really is showing signs of cognitive decline. The Democrats know he's not physically/mentally capable of running the country. They also know he won't really be the one running it should he win.
The left is using him and when they're done, they'll throw him away.
Talk about elder abuse.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you from Canada?


I agree with you, but you're making it seem that I think that Biden is a far better candidate than Trump. Not at all. He's just less worse. I'm Canadian, so even if I could vote, I wouldn't vote for any of these incompetent people.


You again are basing your decision on the man and not the policies. You like Biden better than Trump as a person. Biden is nicer.


How they are as a person is a factor. Justin Trudeau always talks about ending racism and yet he wore blackface on three occasions.


But, what they personally do doesn’t affect me. I don’t like it, but if I’m not impacted by the deed and the person puts forth policies for the betterment of the country, isn’t a part of murder of another, s/he can be a good leader. Yes, “how they are as a person is a factor”, but only if it harmfully affects others! A factor for me is, doesn’t matter if I like the person, I will not vote for someone who is a pro-abort! That is murder which should impact us all! In the end it harms all of us!

Unless you are Black, Justin Trudeau didn’t impact you. Even if you are Black he didn’t physically harm you. Recall the adage: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” I’m no fan of Trudeau and I’m not defending him, but is the fact he wore “blackface” a reason not to vote for him!

I’m so sick of the political correct caca I could scream! We’ve all said and done things we shouldn’t have. I regret many of my faux pas.

Long story short, I’ve come to the point...I’m offended if you’re offended! I will do my best *not* to offend when interacting with people. I despise the “N” word...will not use it. I request others not to use it. I also despise the “f” bomb. It offends me, but it appears civil discourse is a thing of the past. It’s a shame people cannot converse without profanity!


No, you gave me the impression they're both bad but Trump's ego was too big and that Biden is just a slightly better option. I respect your opinion though.

I was just pointing out that Biden has said a lot of dumb stuff too so if you want to compare the two on that scale, you need to look again.

I'm glad we can have civil discussion though even if we disagree. 🙂


Oh, I know Biden has said some stupid stuff. Here's two of my favourites:


I haven't seen the "I'm going to beat Joe Biden" video! 😂

The other one I did. In fact I started a thread about it.


"Listening to Kanye = dangerous"

Are we really going to argue that's not true? Listening to his music is a well established health hazard.


I don't even consider it music.


Kanye is a whack-a-doodle.

His music is 🤢


"You're right. However I hear that liberals are supposed to be the tolerant side, but they don't seem to show it. There's a hypocrisy there."

The problem is you have a twisted view of what intolerance is. Liberals attempt to balance. Conservatives complain that balance is intolerant to a specific majoritive group.

If liberals say black lives should also matter to the authority, conservatives complain it is intolerant to white people.

If liberals try to make it so a gay couple can buy a cake from a bakery with a "just married" message on it just as a straight couple can, conservatives claim its intolerance to religion.

Its only a matter of time before people see through your veil of ignorance.


Liberals are the same people who defend antifa because they're "anti fascist", but will criticize white supremacists for being violent. Liberals claim to not like racism, but think that black people can't be racist and no one can be racist to white people. Liberals are the same people who criticize Trump for sexual harassment, but will sweep Biden's allegations under the rug. Liberals are the same people who believed Jussie Smollett right away because it was a white on black crime, even though it never happened. Liberals criticized Trump for generalizing Mexicans by saying they were rapists, but they're completely okay with saying all cops are bastards or all white people are racist.

Your examples aren't black and white as you claim. You bring up the cake analogy. Let's just say a Muslim man is working at a bakery. He's the only one working as all the other employees have left for the night. Someone walks in and asks them to make a ham pie (disgusting, I know). Muslims aren't allowed to be near ham. Should the customer get what he wants, or is the Muslim person allowed to reject making the cake because it's against their religion? What if the message is "vote Trump"? Or what if someone asks you to draw a Swastika on their cake?


"Liberals are the same people who defend antifa because they're "anti fascist""

No. Liberals understand antifa are just a bunch of dorks in Portland. Liberals understand that masks confuse idiot Trumptards into thinking protesters who wear them are antifa.

"Liberals are the same people who criticize Trump for sexual harassment, but will sweep Biden's allegations under the rug."

Lol. Reade is a progressive supporter of Bernie similar to me. Libs questioned Biden months ago as did all. In 2018 and 2019 she said Biden touched her shoulders. Then in 2020 she tweeted she's got a surprise to help Bernie and said Biden finger raped her too. Her own lawyers jumped ship. Like Icarus she flew too close to the sun, something Blasey-Ford did not do.

"Liberals are the same people who believed Jussie Smollett right away"

Liberals thought Smollett was attacked by two people as he claimed. Conservatives thought the two people didn't exist. Neither side was correct. And no lawyer wants to touch it because there was no victim and it would cost more to the city than what Smollett did.

"Liberals criticized Trump for generalizing Mexicans by saying they were rapists, but they're completely okay with saying all cops are bastards or all white people are racist."

This is the stupid trick conservatards play. You compare Trump with some random nameless person that nobody knows. No liberal pundit said all cops are bastards or all white people are racists. Yet Trump, the president of the US, generalized Mexicans.

"Someone walks in and asks them to make a ham pie (disgusting, I know)."

Were you dropped on your head? The Muslim is unable to provide ham because his store doesn't sell ham. No wonder you are so confused about everything.

"What if the message is "vote Trump"? Or what if someone asks you to draw a Swastika on their cake?"

Vote Trump, sure. Swastika, no. Its a hate symbol according to the law. You can get in trouble even for displaying one on your property. Keep in mind the baker writes "just married" all the time. But if its two guys asking for one, the baker can decline to do what he normally does because of religion? Give me a fucking break.


Lol. Reade is a progressive supporter of Bernie similar to me. Libs questioned Biden months ago as did all.

And yet he's still the democratic candidate as liberals continue to accuse Trump of harassment. Seems hypocritical.

Liberals thought Smollett was attacked by two people as he claimed. Conservatives thought the two people didn't exist. Neither side was correct.

Conservatives would be right. It's not an attack so therefore attackers do not exist. They were hired actors or fall guys.

This is the stupid trick you conservatards play.

I'm not conservative. It's even in the title of the thread.

No liberal pundit said all cops are bastards or all white people are racists.

I think you might want to check out that ACAB movement. It stands for "All Cops Are Bad." I could also include the BLM protest where they were chanting that cops should be fried like pigs.

But if its two guys asking for one, the baker can decline because of religion? That's discrimination.

I'm in favour of gay marriage so it wouldn't bother me to do it. But if someone's religion says that it's a sin to be gay, how can you force that on someone? Aren't we free to practice our religion?


"And yet he's still the democratic candidate as liberals continue to accuse Trump of harassment. Seems hypocritical."

WTF is wrong with you? I just explained her story fell apart and her lawyers jumped ship which is why Fox News doesn't even talk about it any more.

"Conservatives would be right. It's not an attack so therefore attackers do not exist."

Bzzzt. Conservatives said the two guys didn't exist because they weren't seen on cam. Then they were seen on cam buying the items Smollett had on him. Conservatives (many, not all) assumed correctly that it was a hoax, but many got it wrong that Jussie had no accomplices. He paid two guys to do it, most likely, which was never an accusation against him until it was found out.

"I'm not conservative. It's even in the title of the thread."

You're a conservative in denial but its neither here nor there since that paragraph did not call you one. I'm sure I've called you one somewhere else though. You hold onto tradition in the face of progress, which is very conservative.

"I think you might want to check out that ACAB movement."

It's not a movement, but rather a slogan started by this guy:

And not because of black deaths by police either.

"But if someone's religion says that it's a sin to be gay, how can you force that on someone?"

Because you're not forcing anything. It's not religion that says writing words on a cake holds meaning. It's a bigot using religion as an excuse to tell gay people to get the fuck out of his bakery.

Imagine the gay couple bought the "just married" cake at a grocery store, and the cashier refused to swipe it. Freedom of religion right? Come on, dude. You aren't in the middle or undecided. You are full-blown conservative.


You called me a conservative on this exact thread. You've now doubled down and called me a conservative in denial. Maybe your assumptions are making it difficult for you to see my point.


He thinks you're a conservative because he's a far leftist. Reading his replies to you, reek of desperation. He needs to WIN his arguments here on these boards for some reason. I find that quite telling of his personality.


This is why I've never associated with any side. It's so much more difficult to stay neutral because you want your side to "win".


How can you stay neutral in a hockey game? Everybody wants their team to win. There's nothing wrong with that. Trying to "win" an argument by ignoring facts and constantly moving the goalposts, like ultralite does, that's different. It's pathetic.


I've already admitted to calling you a conservative though. I don't see what the difference is. I believe you are a conservative. Your denial of it is meaningless when every post you've made on the politics board sides with not just conservatism, but also Trumpism.

Transwomen are not real women? Something only conservatives say.
White people get called racist too much? Something only conservatives say.
A baker should be able to deny gay customers a "just married" cake? Something only conservatives say.

There is nobody in the middle that supports those positions as staunchly as you do.


Please send Al Sharpton a hundred dollars and you will feel better after that.


The relentless evil of the Left makes Trump look like an angel by comparison, I wonder if they’re aware of this?

I suspect not, the Left has become a cult which is totally convinced of its own moral superiority, which is what allows them to behave so appallingly. Leftists with any kind of compassion or intelligence are starting to wake up and walk away.

I predict a confident Trump win because of this.


The problem is, even if the right moderates ban to get rid of Trump, they'll have to deal with the left once they're in control which I find may be more scarier given ideology they hold with the things you mentioned be it cancel culture, censorship, demanding to be included or whatnot. Thought police if you will. Might have to do a hard right after a hard left. Try making comments on Youtube, eventually you'll make one with a strong disagreement or maybe a troll post and you'll see it magically disappear.


I’ve had numerous innocuous social media posts zapped by Leftist moderators for questioning their increasingly authoritarian woke ideology. Do they really think censorship and thought policing will endear people to them? No, it makes people dig their heels in and fight to protect their freedom.

It makes them vote for Trump.
