As someone who has never been liberal or conservative, I have found myself being more conservative by the day.
I'm finding myself getting sick of sharing an innocent opinion and getting name-called. For example, when I had my Twitter account, I mentioned how I didn't think Beyonce was that great of an artist. I had responses of people telling me that I didn't like successful black women. Another time I said that I don't understand people who look down on people who don't pay their taxes, but are okay with illegal immigrants. I got called a xenophobe. Another time on Twitter a transgender woman mentioned that they liked the movie "Twilight" and when I responded with "you actually like that?", they responded with "how about try not being a transphobe".
I'm also sick of how people believe that all black people are supposed to think the same. The second a black person says that they're conservative, they're called an "uncle Tom" by follow black people.
It's not even a necessarily a case.lf a difference of opinion, it's also about people not wanting to listen and not understanding nuance.
Side note: this has nothing to do with Trump. I completely dislike him.