MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies

dteam6's Replies

Plus, this is unrest he is about to inherit if he wins election. She's not cut out for forums. He's dying for attention. You're asking the impossible. His election obviously, numbnuts. You know--the same reason Donald suddenly decided to "care" about the post office three months before the election. You know little about politics, it seems. Whatever it was, Donald paid for it. Ah, that explains why the little shit skid has been all over me like a gnat lately. XD Of course not. They live and breathe Ronald's orange fart gas. They have their knee pads strapped up TIGHT at all times, lips puckered. Trumper hypocrisy at its "finest". Wait, so you're bragging about Biden doing the right thing while using that as a form of attack against him at the same time? I don't get it. Is he using the name Gubbio now? Someone named Gubbio with the same posting style replied to me earlier today, stupid cross-eyed emoji and all. Depends who on FOX is covering it. As we've discovered, not every FOX news employee is a Trump boot licker. Most are, though. Just what I expected--a non-answer bullshit response. And I only condemn the right but not the left? LMAO!!! I literally made a thread today condemning the dems for barely fighting Trump, speculated that maybe some dem officials secretly want Trump to win, have frequently condemned the riots and have called out both sides for being hypocrites many times--including today. Yet you accuse me of ONLY condemning the right? XD Thank you for posting that. You've just outed yourself as a rambling idiot who makes unfounded claims about posters with zero research to back any of it up. You're a troll of the poorest kind, Normie. I'm waiting... He's something, alright. First he's making a thread asking "What's so wrong about socialism?" and them making this thread praising Ivanka. He's all over the place which is probably the point of whatever reason he's here. Some questionable website I never heard of where I'm inundated with pop-up ads as soon as I click into it. That and the "polls" conducted in there and I find this data questionable at best. Same thing for the insane Trumper group that stormed the courthouse with guns and not even a cop was called. Nothing. Fair enough, I guess. I see a garbage pile, personally. But, for every garbage pile, there's someone out there who might find some "beauty" in it, I guess. As usual, they're basking in their own hypocrisy. Not a single Trumper is condemning this. They condemn the riots but not this? Hypocrite much? Is this the "Second Civil War" the Trumpers have been talking about?