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Biden supporters attack and rob 7 year old boy who was wearing MAGA hat!

Seven-year old Riley was showing his support for Donald Trump outside of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday when he was attacked by some of Joe Biden’s supporters.

In the video from Students for Trump, Riley and his mother Abbey were verbally and physically attacked while waiting for a table outside of a restaurant across the street from the convention. Their property was stolen and destroyed by the Biden supporters, who even took the seven-year old’s ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.

“Are you destroying my property?” Riley’s mother asked the women in the video.

“Yes we are,” they replied, proceeding to take the boy’s hat.

“That’s somebody else’s hat,” Riley ran after them, crying. Later in the video, he can be heard asking his mother to “call 9-1-1.”


Both bitches have been arrested for child endangerment & assault!

Are you anti-Trumpers proud of your Marxist comrades? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Are you proud of desperately looking for any shred of evidence that your leader isn't an utterly corrupt buffoon and the rest of us our heartsick at what this country is being reduced to?
Elect a Clown, Expect a Circus. All this crap doesn't happen with a Dem in office because life is turning at a relatively normal pace -- not great, but not disastrously wrong at a hastened pace. rump is the reason people are losing their minds, especially you.


This doesn't happen when a dem is in office? Why is that, pal? Were there any incidents at the DNC? No. Yet you had punks blocking the street for the RNC. Doesn't that show a difference of civility between the two groups? Go to the optometrist and get your cross eyes fixed, pal.


Very sad. They’re just children themselves. So full obsessive hate.

Being a Democrat is such a miserable existence. There’s no inspiration. No hope. No drive to succeed. Just miserable hatred.

It might be a good idea to show some leniency for their communist Democrat party actions. A mostly peaceful 25 years in prison should be enough time for them to learn their lesson.


I’m curious how being a Democrat leaves you without inspiration, hope, a drive to succeed and miserable hatred?
I’m not a Democrat by the way.


They exist to tear each other down. They thrive on anger and negativity. Their entire focus this campaign election is how bad Trump is, yet they have no real message about there own goals. Party members physically attack and harass people who simply have a different opinion than them, in far greater numbers than from the Republicans and it's supporters.


Aren't you tearing them down?


No, I'm not. I'm stating observable facts. There is a difference between honest observation, and subjective hate. I was a hardcore Democrat for 20 years. They've turned into something that shouldn't be supported or ignored any longer.


Condemning an entire group of people and pigeon holing them as 'hateful' is really divisive. I've known many Democrats that were extremely loving and I've known Republicans to be the same. I think it's really sad that we've gotten to the point that we are using these titles as a reason to separate us.

We're living in a world that's blowing itself to hell as fast as everybody can arrange it. We were once a family. How'd we allow it to get like this? So that now we're turned against each other? Each standing in the other's light. There's not some other world out there where everything's going be okay. There's just this one, just this rock and we don't get another chance at it. Unless we can learn to work together to find some kind of middle ground we're lost.


Their entire existence is based in hatred for individual freedom, and thus the country they live in. It’s what fuels their hate at the most basic level.



Horrible acting. It looks completely fake. The OT is easily conned by amateurish amateurs.

I understand why he is easily conned by Trump.



The two Joe Biden supporters who attacked a seven year old boy and stole his MAGA hat have been arrested.


A fitting punishment for cowardly bullies who have nothing better to do than gang up on a defenseless mom and her kid. That kid will have nightmares for years after that, poor little guy.

To be fair, that mom should have brought along friends, instead of going by herself with her kid. If I had been her, I either would not have brought my kid at all, or brought my dad and brother along, and all 3 of us would have had shotguns strapped to our backs, mostly as a deterrent. The bitches would have peed themselves before coming near us.


If this is real, it's absolutely abhorrent and detestable. Still not sure what your point is, though. It doesn't somehow magically erase the fact that Donald is a horrible excuse for a president.


You don’t know what the point is. Shameless idiocy.🤪🤪🤪🤪


It's probably staged but if I were to play along, the kid should have been armed.


It shows what type of people support Joe Biden. If they aren't rioting, looting, or burning down cities, they are attacking seven year olds.


No, it shows what SOME of the people who support Biden are like. That would be like me saying "all Trumpers are racists" or "all Trumpers are Proud Boys" and then using some news stories as examples.


His mother should be arrested for child abuse, making him wear that evil hat!


Maybe you should be arrested for a hate crime for being a hater, eh? Grow up, little Adam. Stop being triggered by a simple red hat.



Why don't you push Pizzagate while you're at it?


And I am sure QAnon and Trump said they were under direct orders from Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama and the pedophile cabal I'm sure. Just how dumb are you people?
