MovieChat Forums > Politics > You leftists love tell-all books! Here'...

You leftists love tell-all books! Here's one for you to check out!

Jill's ex-husband, Bill Stevenson said he is set to publish an explosive tell-all book and 'it does have facts in it that aren't pleasant to Jill and Joe.'

He claims Jill had an affair with Joe Blow while married to Bill. Jill & Blow lied that they met, "on a blind date." Well isn't that special?!

Unlike you unhinged Trump haters who LOVE tell-all books, I am not salivating to read it.


Sounds boring


Agreed, tim.


Tell-all books have to actually say something. This one doesn't.

"The Art of Her Deal" about Melania was good because it revealed a lot about a very private person. Her sister, brother and over 100 interviewed by Pulitzer Prize winning author.

I learned she's very intelligent, not the victim people believe, ambitious, very image conscious, lied about language fluency (knows 2), has dual citizenship, etc. The book was very fair and I recommend it.

The niece book is really an autobiography with detailed information about the family dysfunction which most people knew. But, these details explain Trump's behavior and his older brother's early death as she witnessed it. The book is really about emotional abuse within a family. I know families like this and the children don't fair well. Another recommend.


The future first lady, who isn't running for office, cheats with Joe and ends up marrying him for the rest of her life.

The current president did the cheating himself, with a porn star, while Mel was caring for his newborn son.

Yeah sure, Trumpers. Go with that one.


I was just letting youz guys know because youz like those kinds of books.


In other words, you projected your interest of the story onto someone else because you knew it was weak compared to what the president has done.


Nope. Just letting you guys know because that's your kind of interests. 😉


Why didn't you let us know about the tell-all coming out on the current First Lady by her former confidant Stephanie Winston Wolkoff ?

In that book, Melania refers to Ivanka as a 'snake' who is always trying to undermine her in a 'series of White House turf wars', and Wolkoff has her on tape to prove it's true.


I just heard about that book this morning.

Another book I couldn't care less to read.




Awww. NormalAbnormal was so proud of her post. Why’d you go and present facts like that???


How many copies will you buy?


None. I borrow from the library, to support my library.


Nothing wrong with that. But you can buy some as Christmas gifts.


My friends would rather read Cohen's book. Wouldn't you ? Trump's criminal enterprise is more intriguing than Jill Biden's life - wouldn't you say ?


I wouldn't read any of those books.


I didn't know you could read!


I knew that, if I just scrolled down, someone would be revealed to have already done the research I didn't want to do on this one and shut this idiot down.

Well done! :)


So, you're a leftist?


Nope, I'm nothing like you.


You Trumpers lose any and all credibility when you continually call people "leftist" just because they hate Trump.


You're not a leftists? Prove it.

Condemn BLM as a Marxist organization.

Condemn Anti-Fa as violent anarchist organization.

Condemn Obama for issuing an executive order.

Condemn Venezuela as a failed socialist country.

Condemn Medicare for all as infeasible.

You can't, can you D-League? Now take your Prozac before you wig out.


WOW! Shitman's meds obviously kicked in.


You don't have to take the test. We already know you're a leftist.


You SUPPORT leftist ideology! You just can't admit you're one of them. I know it's embarrassing.


I support "leftist" ideology? How? Name examples of it right here. Quote me on them. Provide links where I've supported it. Give examples.

Put your money where you mouth is, Trumpkin.


You’re a socialist, Fredo. Happy now?


Not really. I pity you too much to be happy with what you're saying to me.


You did see how you Failed to condemn all the things I mentioned?

By your own actions and inactions, you have consistently proved you’re a leftist.

You stated it yourself in another thread. People are generally happy in a socialist society. Why don’t you want to make yourself happy? What do you think your Prozac is for?

Now you can go back into your basement and hide, Fredo.


I'm waiting...


Um because you are insane and you condemn everything about the right but not the left. 🙄


Just what I expected--a non-answer bullshit response.

And I only condemn the right but not the left? LMAO!!! I literally made a thread today condemning the dems for barely fighting Trump, speculated that maybe some dem officials secretly want Trump to win, have frequently condemned the riots and have called out both sides for being hypocrites many times--including today. Yet you accuse me of ONLY condemning the right? XD

Thank you for posting that. You've just outed yourself as a rambling idiot who makes unfounded claims about posters with zero research to back any of it up.

You're a troll of the poorest kind, Normie.


"And I only condemn the right but not the left? LMAO!!! I literally made a thread today..."

Here's where I had a little hope for you....but then...

"condemning the dems for barely fighting Trump,"

BINGO! Again, TDS in full view! THAT'S your condemnation of Dems?!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

"speculated that maybe some dem officials secretly want Trump to win,"

You smokin' something in your padded cell?

"have frequently condemned the riots and have called out both sides for being hypocrites many times--including today. Yet you accuse me of ONLY condemning the right? XD"

I must have missed those.


You can post laughing emojis a hundred times over and it won't change the fact that you tripped and fell flat on your face in this argument with your false and easily debunked accusation. Have the good grace to tuck your tail between your legs and leave the room. You lost this one, chief.


I sure didn't lose anything. Anyone with a brain knows this and knows how incredibly unhinged you are.


That’s for sure! You aren’t psychotic! You aren’t suffering from a psychosis which is a severe mental disorder such as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Patient #1 on this board is dtream6. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Someone needs to tighten his straitjacket, his hands are loose again. 😆


LOL! 😅😂🤣


Do all MAGAts have such frail egos that they need someone to chime in and say "that's for sure!" and "you aren't psychotic!"?

What kspkap wrote might just be the most cringe reply I've ever seen on here.


Give her a chance - she'll outdo herself.


You do the exact same thing, ultralite. Such hypocrisy from you as usual.

You can’t engage in a discussion with me because you know I’ll school you, but you’ll freely insult me to your dim witted pals to pad your ego. Insecure, aren’t you?


Love your "source": FAUX! Try again Trumpee!


There was a list of links about the book saying the same thing. I just picked one. Go Google it yourself. 🙄
