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Looking forward to Ivanka's speech tonight

I am sure it will be amazing. She's the future.

Elegant, smart, beautiful, independent, successful business woman, fights for women’s rights. She’s the epitome of what an actual feminist should be. Definitely see her running in 2024 for the presidency. She is the complete package and the perfect choice to become the first female president of the USA. There is no woman on the democrats party that can compare.

I can really see her being a future president of the US. She has everything going for her.


She needs a reality show after her father is incarcerated


Why? She is way too smart and successful for that.


You just accepted that her father WILL be incarcerated. Alt Right fool.


Oh joy.....a white version of Kim Kardashian just what we need 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


In what world is Ivanka like Kardashian? They are worlds apart.


They're both famous for basically no reason except being pretty having fathers who are stinking rich and rolling in cash.

What exactly has Ivanka done (on her own) to deserve fame, fortune, and loyal fans?


They both wear too much makeup and have had ass extensions


Please tell me this is sarcasm. In the Age of Trump it's too hard to tell anymore.


Ivanka is amazing, what's not to like?


Still didn't answer my question.


Not sarcasm. Ivanka is fantastic.


Fair enough, I guess. I see a garbage pile, personally. But, for every garbage pile, there's someone out there who might find some "beauty" in it, I guess.


He's either a Moscow troller or in the White Militia, or both.


He's something, alright. First he's making a thread asking "What's so wrong about socialism?" and them making this thread praising Ivanka. He's all over the place which is probably the point of whatever reason he's here.


Now that she and the world knows her Step-Monster Melania considers her a 'snake', I'm sure she's going to be showing off those veneers with her fake smile.


Come off it, dude. You don't actually think she's any of that except a pretty face. You're just trying to get a response out of everyone who understands she's a dingbat who was birthed into success.
