MovieChat Forums > JestersDead > Replies
JestersDead's Replies
I'm Seven of Nine.
"Sometimes you can be cold and calculating..."
Very interesting, thanks
Whatever interest I still had in this film was extinguished by that scene.
It's so utterly nonsensical that I'm still traumatised by its shitness.
I'm excited about the 20th anniversary of this thread, fast approaching in 2023
Deadpool is shit though
Welcome to the real world. Normal people act badly sometimes.
It was, actually, quite funny to watch. Some poor kid got a few electric shocks boo boo.
Venkman showed that he cared more for his desires than scientific discovery. It's FUNNY. Jeeeezus
I found out... they were referred to as infants. Not that interesting I guess.
In Voyager many young people were assimilated. Including Seven.
They put them in maturation chambers which accelerated their development.
Riker called the chambers a 'nursery'.
Edgy comedy with a sprinkling of realism.
Guess what, somebody is offended.
Entitled prick demanded his money back. What a cnut.
It's utter trash. Boring, slow, tedious, unfunny, waste of time snorefest.
Yes, all dead.
And good riddance too.
Selling guns is big business and, as we all know, profit is more important than the right not to have your life endangered.
Associating guns with freedom is a clever marketing strategy.
I know a psychopathic killer when I see one. I bet he's murdered dozens of innocent fugitives, plus any bystanders who happen to get in the way.
He probably keeps a scrapbook of all his victims
Only in America πΊπΈπ
The yanks are so trigger happy. 20,000 people killed a year by guns. Apparently this represents 'freedom'.
He was a selfish prick in Ferris Bueller's Day Off too.
He stole a Ferrari which led to it getting smashed up.
Kim is the last person he should've told. Kick a man while he's down why don't ya. He's lucky Kim didn't beam him into the vacuum of space by 'accident'.
Fair point.
I forgot to mention the huge flames heating the pots up.
Has Health and safety been abandoned in the 24th century?
Davros, that's pretty weak stuff.
I'd rather be crazy than boring. There's no cure for being a bore. And you're the biggest bore on the planet.