Can we talk about the numerous plotholes for a moment
[1] How is it that Ursa can talk to the astronaut on the moon, where there is no atmosphere and therefore no sound?
[2] How are the Kryptonian criminals (General Zod and Ursa anyway), who’ve never been on Earth before, able to speak perfect English? (Also, even assuming that they somehow can do that, why don’t they at least speak Kryptonese, their native language, to each other?)
[3] Where do the villains’ levitational abilities come from? For all the powers of Kryptonians on Earth, levitating a person merely by pointing at him/her classically isn’t one of them.
[4] The holoimage recording of Laura, the mother of Superman, insists to him that giving up his powers to become a normal human is an irreversible decision—yet somehow he nonetheless manages to reverse it.
[5] Losing his super-powers is shown to be a severely strenuous process for Superman, yet when he tricks the evil Kryptonians into undergoing it, they don’t react at all, apparently not feeling anything.
[6] Superman isn’t like the X-Men’s Professor Charles Xavier, classically he has no mentalistic abilities, so how is he able to make Lois Lane completely forget about their recent relationship merely by kissing her?