Myy2free2's Replies

I'm not a fan of Rey . I don't really give a flying fuck about the new characters and it makes me sad. But I really can't agree with the above statement. At least Rey naked would give me a boner... I love the movies but hate the word. I hate that it has so much power Love My parents were both really loved teachers. Older sister is a teacher, brother a teacher, and my younger sister is going to school to be some kind of scientist... I'm the only one with no college degree so I'm the "black sheep" , but by far the most artistic. My point is that I lived my life hearing hundreds of stories about all of their students throughout the years . Many of these students were troubled or troublesome... All had their own pain and either consciencely or uncomcienly caused worry and pain to my family, but my family loved every single one of their students . No matter what, they were committed and dedicated their lives to selflessly helping these kids no matter how brutal it got. The last thing they would ever be able to do is shoot one of these kids... Even in emergency situations. Or have them killed for that matter. Academic education and guns could and should never exist in any form of synergy. I think i knew that Star Wars was never going to be as good as it was after seeing this Oh so hot. She looks better than ever I concur . Takes me right out of it I still want to be friends with all of you It's easy to win when you cheat or somebody cheats for you. Bow wow wow. Yeah I'm personally just not invested in any of these new characters... And all the ones I did love are all gone. Roger rabbit with Seth McFarland As the rabbit and Mila kunis as Edie Valentine But I love this movie I thought Moore was surprisingly emotionless in this. Luke warm so I spew her from my mouth Vito spatafore I wouldn't post something like that. It's kind of a weird thing to say... Even if it's your opinion His book is called don't stand too close to a naked man. Best title ever Best motherfuckin post ever Agree to disagree friend I'd rather have the help without the hate Don't justify hate