So basically “I don’t care if we’re a divided country led by a racist incompetent... my paycheck went up by 50.00”?
How patriotic of you.
I get it though... tiki torches cost money!
Amen, Dalton!
And a continent...and a nationality.
Defending a racist makes you well...
But then, I’m sure you defended him when he defended white supremacists.
So when you’re celebrating your big paycheck raise please be sure to come back and tell us how much it was.
We’d all like to know what the going price is on human dignity and self-respect.
Wow Trump supporters really CANNOT let go of Hillary or Obama. Sad that you can’t even stay on your OWN topic!
Remember him?
Supports Nazis?
You support him?
Making you a Nazi supporter?
Any of this ringing a bell, Eva?
Amen. The only thing Trump did was tell the truth in an unflattering way. This of course made the PC Police go BONKERS!
But he is correct. There are countries which are shit holes. I've visited several of them at least four of them.
BTW my IRA is also doing GREAT! Thank you President Trump and Congress!