Is Tim Allen gay?
I have never observed anyone so obsessed with gender identity and proving he is a man. Literally every thing he has done is about man this woman that, blah blah
as they say, the man protesteth too much
I have never observed anyone so obsessed with gender identity and proving he is a man. Literally every thing he has done is about man this woman that, blah blah
as they say, the man protesteth too much
I was thinking the same thing myself...
shareIt's all part of his stand up act. He's very much in love and married to a woman.
Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.
I think he probably just has the smallest weenie in the world. He's clearly overcompensating if you've ever seen Home Improvement. But I've also heard he is a sexist in real life.
shareTim Allen is the third oldest of five brothers, and his father died when he was 11. Tim's exploration of gender identity and what it means to be a man likely reflects that experience.
shareFinding the differences between men and women humorous does not make a person gay.
shareThere is only two genders.
shareYes, he IS happy.