MovieChat Forums > GetOrfMoyLaand > Replies
GetOrfMoyLaand's Replies
Mobile phones never working when you need them fact mobile phones have become a real ball-ache for storytelling as they constantly need to be taken into account in scenarios since they've pervaded society so deeply.
IF they remake Heat you know it's going to be something like Regina King/Jennifer Lawrence.
I'd agree about Heat, it is a real "men" film, and yet it also takes the time to spend quite a bit of its runtime dealing with the women in these mens lives, and the impact their "work" has on the family unit. Now that's how you make a "men" film with broader appeal.
Road to Perdition (was expecting Goodfellas II for some reason!) It was 6 years before I watched it again, and it's now a fave of mine. Lovely cinematography.
Blade Runner (I was about 14 and just didn't get it)
Sums it up nicely, and can unfortunately be applied to so many franchises (or simple sequels for that matter).
Because their dominant raison d'etre (as with nearly all sequels) is to generate cash. Everything else, including artistic merit & integrity, comes secondary.
That's a real Sophie's Choice! Fallout 3 & 4, New Vegas (despite the damn bugs & crashes), Oblivion and Skyrim are the only games I've played in the last 10 years. Fallout 4 was disappointing but still play Skyrim, on a new modded run-through.
I would really put Fallout 3 and Skyrim on a pedestal though, the immersion factor (which is THE important factor for me) is just perfect, so much so that one can (almost!) ignore the ridiculous technicial faults.
Double bill of The Aristocats and Now You See Him, Now You Don't...must have been around '74.
Yes, she's real.
Mickey even suggests "throwing her into the mix".
2010-2019 without a doubt!
Never been such dull, uninspired, monotonous, derivative period (in my lifetime anyway). It's been like a decade of McDonalds production-line crap with VERY few fillet steaks to tuck in to.
I thought I was just falling out of love with films...but I'm now convinced it's not me, it's them.
"The famous trailer in the theatres, back in '79, is an example of how all trailers should be"
This - such a good trailer, I often Youtube it just to watch it, like I would a song I like. Sadly an example of what we are no longer provided with by studios.
Indeed! This old timer appreciates your kind words, cheers.
(I also miss vinyl and CDs - this modern vinyl fad is embarrassing to witness for someone of my age!)
No fecking video rental shops...I'm old-school, I liked going to the shop to browse and rent an actual physical tape/disc for a night.
Your last paragraph seems to veer into the "if science doesn't (yet) have an answer then it must be God" field of thinking. If we (or science) don't know something then that's all we know...that we don't know. No point filling the gaps with assumption, and the existence of The Almighty is always, ALWAYS going to be an assumption, until He decides to provide some physical and verifiable evidence to put all our minds to rest once and for all! At least that seems like a logical way of approaching and dealing with the situation of "does he or doesn't he exist".
Feeding this line of thinking back into the "Yes there is..." statement still leads to the conclusion that it's a false premise, certainly as far as logical thinking goes. You can believe it all you like, but you can't expect someone else to accept your belief as a starting point if trying to discuss the matter objectively, since there's an obvious counter point of view.
At least there is some sort of verifiable data & logic on which evolution or big bang theories are proposed, and the belief in them is grounded in something that fits in with the way the rest of the world (or indeed the entire known universe in terms of the laws of physics & biology) works.
Science isn't dogmatic and is willing to admit it's wrong, belief in the Almighty not so, and my personal feelings are this is why we're still having a conversation like this in 2019!
That's my exact point, I DON'T know, and neither do you nor anyone's a belief that's entirely built on faith. There is no evidence for His existence (no, there's NOT!), so you can't say for sure there is a God.
Ergo you're starting your argument from a false premise.
The false premise is "YES there is a God."
Surely our knowledge of the convergent evolution of the eyeball puts the old "watchmaker" analogy to bed these days...
Logical thinking only works if you're not starting from a false premise.
Alien 3 (extended cut) just about makes it onto the list...
That's all. The others don't even register. Just garbage.
Yep...and Sweet Child o' Mine, Paradise City, Pour Some Sugar On Me and Torn by that Natalie sort from Neighbours.
Towards the end of season 5, when I realised it was just filler with few good plot developments and the action scenes had gone all "crappy Hollywood" style.