MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 2009-2019 - What's changed?

2009-2019 - What's changed?

Normally a whole decade you can look back and go 'wow things were so different', but I'm struggling to think what is so different.

I can only think of the following:

Full transition to touch screen phones (started in 2007)
Apps for everything (we didn't use many apps in 2009)

Redefinition of marriage in many countries ("Catholic" Ireland even brought in abortion)
Americans embracing 'pride month' on a big scale (I don't think it was mainstream in 2009, correct me if I'm wrong)

In 2009 nobody would have guessed that Donald Trump would follow Obama

No major changes. Avatar was made in 2009, and Star Trek reboot. Both have aged well.

All of these things to me, seem like minimal changes for an entire decade. Is there something I'm missing?


If you stretch it back a little bit to 2003 or even 2006, the cultural changes are more dramatic.


No fecking video rental shops...I'm old-school, I liked going to the shop to browse and rent an actual physical tape/disc for a night.


That's not old school. That's appreciating an experience.


Indeed! This old timer appreciates your kind words, cheers.

(I also miss vinyl and CDs - this modern vinyl fad is embarrassing to witness for someone of my age!)


Agreed. I'm younger and most kids my age group laugh at the idea of DVD rental shops. "Why? Just go use Netflix or Hulu!" But 99% of the time, a movie I'm searching for just isn't on any streaming service, and even if it is, it'll just be removed from the service like a month later. I was trying to watch No Country For Old Men last week but it wasn't on Netflix, Hulu, YouTube Movies, Roku, or Amazon Prime. That's FIVE paid-for streaming services and my movie wasn't available on ANY of them. I guarantee I could've found it on DVD at the local Blockbuster back in the day. In fact, it was a rare occasion when you went to a Blockbuster or Hollywood Video and didn't find what you came in looking for; it was ALWAYS there. With Netflix, you could have a list of 20 movies in mind and not a single damn one will be on the service. Not one.

Last year I was living in a small Montana mountain town with a locally-owned DVD rental shop that had everything and more, stuff I hadn't seen on DVD in years. Even some of Doug Walker's godawful Nostalgia Critic movies like To Boldly Flee were on rental there, and I didn't even know his movies were available in DVD! I loved going there.


There's still a Family Video a couple miles from me.


In terms of cinema, Avatar is no longer the highest grossing movie of all time.


The Arab Spring


I'll add the move away from desktop to laptop continued, but then the laptop moved to tablets and cellphones. Now not many will even buy a desktop.

I personally hook my laptop up to a TV monitor, creating a desktop and use the laptop as the keyboard.


The weather. It was 83 F today, just a week before Halloween. So horribly hot.


The rise of crypto.
