MovieChat Forums > ADBruno1985 > Replies
ADBruno1985's Replies
I think the bigger question is how it went undetected for however long it was there. I doubt it was there ten years ago, but it wasn't just ten hours ago either.
Guessing the Senator has a maid. If the maid is worth half the salt a maid should be, she'll move that rug to be thorough when cleaning.
Also, there are clearly traitors in their midst. And enough of them, where we can assume that at least one is going to be smart enough to be looking for such routes, and if you're looking in the garage, which is reasonable, since that's where the (getaway) vehicles would be, that recess in the ceiling is pretty obvious
Lmao, the small-town conservatives would be so ready to jump on board with the Purge. I'm from a small town (4,500 people). They would view it as an excuse to get rid of those not like them.
That makes more sense than hand, thank you, will go with it
In most franchises, the original is the best.
Well, when you break it down like that...
But she never had to deal with high school
Well, you didn't ask, but I think that it's relevant to share birth years here, or at least roughstimates. I was born in the mid-80s. I've been able to see the original at a retrospect. I have seen H20 and every one since in theaters at least once during their original run.
I've never seen a specific reason for it, so I assume it just has to be the writing. My guess is that, given the movie, and the brevity of his screen time, he probably wasn't paid a lot, so they sweetened the pot with the billing. But I agree, I always had expected him to pop up again too. But he said he was going home to tell his wife before someone else did. Guess she needed him home the rest of the night.
On the face, I agree with you. But, things aren't always what you expect. I called them Grandpa, Grandma, Grampa, and Gamma. My sister planned for her kid to call our mom "Nana," but he couldn't pronounce that so now it's always been "Nina," and our dad was Gdad. You just don't always know. It hurts no one, so don't worry about it
Blake is bland. She seems to have good humor, style, intelligent, conversationalist, but her acting is hit or miss, she's had a few roles that she did really great in, maybe they were closest to who she is. I think her most realistic performances were in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Yeah, my post covers that ;)
There are two things. When we last see her, she's still moving, and I think we can hear her gasping as Charlie skulks away. Secondly, when Sidney comes back from searching for Jill, she's at the top of the stairs, and there's a creak from downstairs. She suspects it's Kirby enough to call out her name. Quite possibly it was Kirby opening the door, or crawling on the floor, but too weak to respond. After all, she did technically die for four minutes, so she wasn't really actively alive at this point, she was definitely bleeding out. Back in the days when 4 was the new one, it was debated on the imdb boards if she was alive or not. But those are my final points, and being able to debate it is part of the fun, so we'll just agree to disagree :)
I had not even caught that, otherwise I surely would've included it, good one
I would disagree with you on that. Wes Craven made note in a few interviews and even on the commentary that "Well, we never really see her die, do we?" And I think he even said that it was his intent to bring her back. However, it was also said that the original/his plan for 5 was to include an alive Jill at college, having gotten away with it, and there being a new Ghost Face who knows what she did. So maybe that would've been Kirby? Interesting to ponder. Though Jill definitely seems much more dead. Plus the other four in the room would've needed to be dead for her to get away with it. Even without getting the 5 and 6 we did, it'd be hard to retcon enough to have Jill still alive. If they could manage that, then I guess they could figure out a way to bring Stu back too. But even before the 5 and 6 we got, which I guess you can count as fan-fic if you want, as Sam does in 5, I never included Kirby in my personal body count.
Or maybe she'll finally be Ghost Face, blaming Sidney for losing Dewey and wanting to avenge him
Lmao, I know this isn't facebook, but "Like." I feel the same. There are many series that I collect and have some crap movies, or some I still plan to acquire, in the name of completion
I'm glad she's returning too. There have been multiple opportunities to kill her off, hence the reference once made about her having nine lives. I think the best time to kill her would've been when she was attacked in 4. And, of course, like Sidney, the more they survive, the more that defies reality. However, at this point, especially if they do indeed retire Sidney, I've always thought it would be cool to have one centered on Gale. I remember when the first synopsis for 5 came out, something like "a woman returns to a mystery in her hometown," there was mild speculation that the main mystery would be Gale-centric before we learned about Sam. It's totally feasible that she's pissed others off through her career who might want revenge and see Ghost Face as a convenient means to an end. And we really know nothing about her backstory prior to the original, though in 6 she did mention that her parents sucked. Plus, think of it this way, if she does #8, she'll surpass Laurie Strode as longest-standing Final Girl. And all in the same continuity, no less.
I appreciate your response, reminding me of this post. When I originally posted this 2 years ago, I'd not read The Mist. I actually did just a couple months ago. And yeah, it's a very faithful adaptation, other than these couple spots. The novella also allows you to know David's innermost thoughts. And while I don't think that the goal is to justify cheating, knowing his thoughts allows you to understand how it happens. Their attraction is borne out of fear and circumstance more than an actual desire to cheat. If the mist hadn't come, she probably would've become at most a passing acquaintance to nod to in town, and an affair wouldn't have happened. Also the book allows us to feel David's guilt about it.
I think it makes sense. The first time he saw Laurie that day, (after so long if you want to buy the sibling relationship), she was with Tommy, so he was linked as part of that world. Or, if you want to ignore the sibling relationship, we could say that the dynamic still reminded him of himself and Judith. Maybe he went after Laurie because he assumed she would be negligent like Judith was in his mind. So maybe he thinks he's protecting Tommy, or preemptively punishing Laurie for her sins. Maybe he follows Tommy to see where he lives. Regardless, stalking is just what Michael does. Before killing.
Poor you. I'm sure everyone really regrets that you couldn't watch golf. They should've scheduled the corpse-finding better for you. I remember that weekend well too. Maybe because I was only 14, but I don't remember being angry at a dead person because I had to miss my entertainment.
I see what you mean. But back then, not everything was related to a larger IP. Studios were a bit more willing to let unusual stuff have a try. And that threesome scene was hot