MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
Damn, looking back I watched a lot of cartoons. But here are some I remember loving.
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Sailor Moon
Invasion America
The Little Mermaid
Alvin and the Chipmunks
The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Little Bear
The Care Bears
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
She-Ra: Princess of Power
Hey Arnold!
Dragon Ball Z
Johnny Quest
Samurai Pizza Cats
Sabrina: The Animated Series
Maybe Chronicle. I don't even remember what I thought it was supposed to be about, but when I watched I remember thinking 'Okay it's good, but this is not what I was expecting and I don't know why.'
Lucy Hale has a pretty bad one.
I can see why you'd say that. I really can.
Wow. So you're comparing wearing a t-shirt to not only masturbation, but other sexual misconduct which C.K admits to performing? Just wow. Also I'm not sure what that t-shirt situation has to do with this situation - oh wait nothing. If that's how you're trying to justify someone's bad behaviour though...why?
One of the five women who accused him declined his offer to watch him masterbate, but he still did it anyway. He admits this. Two of the woman who jokingly agreed to watch him tried to leave when he started doing it, but he blocked the entry to the room they were in. He also admits this happened. He did other stuff aside from masterbation, and he admits this. After lying about it of course, to save his ass, because what he did was wrong. He knew it was wrong, which is why he lied, and he has now admitted to what he's been accused of doing. But you don't know this is wrong? I guess we're done then.
Today, if an older man spoke to a teenager they barely knew, it's not really appropriate or normal to tell that teenager to 'cut the bs and hook up' with a friend of theirs because they seem like they're into that friend. It's creepy by today's standards, but it's telling of the time it was occurring in, the 1980s. A time when a kid could more likely hitch a ride in a truck and not have the driver try something on you, whether she had secret powers to protect her or not.
That's what I'm saying. It is creepy by 2017 standards. It's normal by 1980s standards. I don't remember staying in some random older man's house who I and my parents didn't know when I was 17. Maybe that's just me though.
Don't think that's true. Can't see many people okaying what he did, and he has both admitted it was wrong and apologized. If it wasn't wrong, if he had consent, then no admittance of wrong doing or apology would be necessary. From what I've read, he asked them for consent, but if and/or when they declined that didn't stop him and he didn't honour their consent. And 'playing the rules' doesn't actually mean it's rightful what he did. He himself admits it was an abuse of power. He did it coz he could get away with it, and that's that.
I will call him creepy because what he did was creepy. Why are you excusing this? Because he got permission to be a creep from people in lower positions them himself, who were unable to fight back or who were ignored when they did? I don't understand.
That might make sense in the movie if it was, you know, explained in some way. But it isn't, not even in the slightest.
She could be. Hard to tell since none of the 12 billion articles about her have nothing to do with music.
I hope to say that to you one day. I swear I'll go to Denmark one day...
Listen I applaud you for trying to defend his character. I'm not against his character. I just don't think all this conjecture, while possible, really shows his fear of clowns, least of all Pennywise. He just isn't written or directed to be scared of clowns. It is not present in the film. We can debate over a history of alcohol abuse his father experienced or we can point to things in the film to try and explain why, but he's just not that scared of clowns. And no one gets over their deepest fears that easily - to the point where they're the first person to pick up a baseball bat. This includes adults, and Ritchie is a kid.
But I would say this of all the kids in the film, not just Ritchie. It's not a well written film overall.
I wouldn't say he did nothing wrong. Maybe less wrong than Weinstein and Spacey, but wrong nonetheless. Jury's out on Landis - sure most people think he's an outspoken tool, but sexual assault. That remains to be seen.
Yeah but that undercuts clowns being his deepest fear. It's either just a slight fear, or it's like heights. Heights might give you an increased heart rate even if you're not particularly scared of them when you're at the edge of, say, a balcony on the 25th floor of a building.
As stated earlier, he did express extreme fear at the missing poster - more fear than he showed toward his 'greatest fear'. That means clowns are either not his greatest fear or he was adequately portrayed as scared of them. Either way, it's not a reflection of bad acting because we know he can act frightened, it's bad direction and/or writing.
Melbourne. Don't stalk me lol. I'm too boring to stalk.
I'm glad - as an Australian I know it's good and bad sides so I'm kinda relieved you had a good time. Man it's a dream of mine to go to Denmark - but I don't have the money for it. But all the Danish travellers I met were wonderful people as far as I could tell.
That's a blessing then.
I've been encouraged to use it by friends. It's mostly useless and frustrating. But as someone over 45 you should be welcome to do any and all things that interest you bar illegal activities.
I went to Amsterdam, England, France, Germany, Italy, and North America - (I'm Australian). There wasn't one place I didn't enjoy - and it really changed my perspective, or maybe just opened my eyes a bit more to the world.