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I agree with you..Can you tell me who the 2 boys were in episode three? The wrestling friends where one guy found out his girl is pregnant? I was lost on that story. Thought maybe it was Cal as a young teen? Its a year since I made that post and now I have forgotten what happened..Guess I will have to rewatch. lol Oh I agree with you on that. She kept putting herself in that position time and time again, that the odds were against her. The above post was made by me 4 years ago. I was coming here to say the same thing. I hadnt realized I had already watched this movie, 4 years ago. Until the ending. Then I recalled. Capturing Mary far exceeded Joes Palace and can easily stand on its own. Maggie Smith is a captivating presence. I highly recommend. Great film! My Brilliant Friend was exceptional She actually said "Dead?" No I am very much alive... I read in the book the character says something similar.. I did like this film but it didnt go into enough depth with almost every character. But I enjoy moody films. Maybe cuz I am a moody beyoch, lol The ending was awful. Yes she had the last word, but to give her life over for that was not the way agreed... thumbs down...from a white female woman. I loved it...I just couldnt hear her last words on the phone at the end no matter how many times I tried to replay it..Anyone? Agreed..I saw this now in 2021 and was not impressed with the unanswered questions..Did the mom know? Did Warren resolve his issues? So many things left dangling.. Could have been great because the cast was great but unfortunately it was mediocre for me. Just finished the series...It was good in the beginning and then it became way too convoluted.. But the ending was a twist although unrealistic.. I dont want to spoil it for anyone but if someone watched the whole thing and comments, I will add to it. I was grateful the child wasnt bratty or loud. Very insightful and I agree.... Although I loved Regina and she really should have taken her up on her offer. very irritating I agree She was great in the role but extremely irritating to me.. Small doses yes, but 10 episodes of it was way too much. So I just finished Maid... To me it was like a Lifetime Movie.. So many unnecessary moments like the cleaning of the hoarders house (which was very unrealistic) and the Nate guy which was actually annoying. Andie Mcdowell was so irritating I couldnt bear her. She was a cartoon parody of the character she was portraying. Being that they are real life mother and daughter was sweet..To make a series with your daughter would be a moms dream so I am happy for them in that sense. I only watched the Queens Gambit a few times, and felt it was no Dowton Abby. It cant compare and it didnt hold my interest. The costuming was beautiful I recall but the storylines and the acting was a bit overplayed. I might give it another try seeing how so many liked it here. Abrupt ending but we at least know it wasnt final for her son. I think Daniels was miscast.. He wasnt the lead man I wanted to watch all 9 episodes and Tierny is beautiful and had no chemistry with him. They wasted alot of time with unnecessary screen time with Isaac and with other scenarios.. Not sure it will make it to a 2nd season Valid question... Maybe Serena isnt all that innocent..Maybe she strayed. I hope Nick is Nicoles father though.. I agree with you. The last 4 years was awful,,never knowing what that nut would do. I loved when the red states turned blue. I agree with you..How did they organize all the woman to get to that part of the woods? How will Nick and Lawrence answer this? June said to Luke that she will leave after saying goodbye to the baby. Where will she run to? It was too neatly bound in a parcel. I assume next season will center on Serena Waterford. She was hardly in the finale. I find her captivating as an actress so hopefully they will showcase her more in the next season.