Iconoclast321's Replies

Che was also a bloodthirsty, brutal murderer - though Carlos was much worse. Get your facts straight. Up to you. I figured it was his wife. The symbolism of him walking out into the daylight seemed to signify going towards something better, a better, brighter future. Calling the partner would not have aligned as much with that symbolism as calling his wife. Also the emotional support and comfort that he clearly needed at that point would not have come from his partner, but rather his wife. Hated the movie, liked the score. I would have rather had it be a straight documentary, told by the actual nomads. Yeah, I personally don't like her acting. Here's an article that is more to the point. https://redstate.com/bradslager/2020/06/03/during-this-spate-of-racial-outrage-here-are-some-deeply-uncomfortable-facts-for-the-press-the-activists-and-even-ben-jerrys-n139075 If your political leanings are Left, this is a plus, if you lean Right, you will probably buy a different ice-cream (b/c you disagree with Leftist politics, not because you are racist). If I owned an ice-cream company, I wouldn't want to flirt with half of my customer base while alienating the other half. Hopefully never. I agree. But people are different. Some people watch a movie pretty much solely from an analytic standpoint. For them, every plot-point has to make perfect sense and fit seamlessly with other plot points. Other people watch a movie from an emotional or aesthetic perspective. For them, it has to feel right, be well-acted and well-filmed and have the right flow. Some people (me, for instance) are a mix of both. So it's really kind of apples and oranges when it comes to movie appreciation. People getting caught in the system, being misdiagnosed, other people rushing to judgement, people not being treated with patience and caring... these are not just 'elitist stereotypes'. I though the character of Bruno was very well done. Bruno was hot and very well-played. Helio Gonzales? Gross. (But also well-played, just not in a nice way.) Just came across my comment and your reply (10 years later - ha). Yes, your reply totally makes sense. Thank you. So... comparison? Did you ever read the book? Which did you like better? I read the book a looong time ago and really liked the movie a lot. 12 years later - no remake. Thank goodness! Bernard would only do what he was paid to do. If Neuville is arrested, that's the end of that. Especially with all the evidence. Not just that - he arranged for her husband Alex to be pinned for various crimes to flush her out of hiding so he could kill her. Seems like it was just unsolved. Nice catch! I think so. Michelle represents temptation and adventure, while his wife represents fidelity, obligations and real life. They initially thought she was the courier and had either cheated them or failed the job.