MovieChat Forums > JustinJackFlash > Replies
JustinJackFlash's Replies
And I think both Liberal and Conservative seem to have become dirty words today. I respect your decision to be neither and think for yourself.
But when you say that "There are other people who are against racism as well, but they can't get on board with the concept of white privilege and criticism of white people constantly, that they decide to become conservative", why do you think this is?
Why do you think people think "I don't like all this Extreme PC talk therefore I will go and support the Free Market and Privatisation". The two notions are unrelated. And this is the unusual phenomena I'm interested in here.
Why don't they just say- "I don't like all this Extreme PC talk therefore I will speak up against it." Why the sudden Political affiliation change?
But this is part of my question. You've put all Liberals in the same box there. And yes, many do behave that way. But I regard what you have described as Liberal Extremism. As I said above, I am a Liberal yet I am against all this extreme PC culture and am for free speech.
I think the problem is that over the past couple of years Liberalism has moved further left to the point that it has become the opposite of the freedom it is supposed to represent. It has become another form of control. But that doesn't mean that every Liberal has moved with it. I haven't moved. I'm a Liberal but I have the same beliefs as before the rise of extreme PC culture. So perhaps we need a new term to refer to these new Liberal Extremists. Or a new term for people like myself. I'm not petty. I can take another name and let them keep the Liberal term.
But my question to you is- why did you put all Liberals in the same box. I'm not trying to criticize because many people do this. But it is related to my OP question and I am curious about this phenomena.
Yet he congratulated Endgame when it beat Avatar.
He was even attached to the first Spiderman film for years.
He's tired of superhero films yet he won't actually try to change things by actually making films when he is one of the few directors around today who actually has the power and capacity to make self authored, big budget movies. Christopher Nolan just gets on with it. Cameron will simply bang on about the 50 Avatar sequels he's threatening us with. Sequels to a film which features just as much CGI overload as the average superhero film but with worse writing.
I'll go with that. Shaun of the Dead is a bit overrated and a bit cliched. I preferred Hot Fuzz.
I'd be interested in seeing a directors cut. Even if it is still bad. I'd want to know if the original ending was more like the original story. (Spoiler warning for the original story) Maybe Jean Grey destroying a planet was too much for the test audiences. Or maybe it was just a messy CGI space battle.
I'd be interested in seeing the original Fantastic Four cut too. Not because i think these films would be great but because it would be an interesting insight into the movie industry.
it's 60% now. I am surprised it's not a lot lower. I was expecting around 30%.
Fight Club. It's one of those rare films that say and explore a myriad of different things yet still comes together as a cohesive whole.
Memento is more focused but has less to say.
I wouldn't go that low because it was well made and acted. There was just no reason for it to exist. Somethings gotta be diabolical for me to give it a 2. I gave it a 5 out of 10.
It doesn't surprise me. It felt like a pointless cash in.
Haha, I can imagine.
I also preferred it to Breaking Bad. And I love Breaking Bad. The Shield seemed to have something new and interesting to say every episode. Some kind of societal observation or hidden character examination. It consistently blew my mind and had probably the most perfect ending of any tv show.
I watched it again fairly recently and even by today's standards it's still feels fresh and better written than anything else around.
It doesn't look very good, but it won't flop.
Now you mention it I just thought of another thing it sets up. Captain America weilding Thor's hammer in Endgame. This was set up in AoU when they're all competing to pick up the hammer and when CA tries it budges slightly.
No, I dismiss all of Iron Man 3's well constructed action scenes, frequent jokes, humanization of it's central character and daring propaganda subtext because of one let down Mandarin twist that immediately winks out of existence everything the film does well faster than a Thanos finger click.
Just kidding. Iron Man 3 is a blast!
AoU is great fun and gets some bizarre criticisms from a few. Mainly the complaint that it's setting up further installments despite the fact that many other Marvel films do just that.
It actually spent very little time with these set-up motivations. And even if it did I don't see a problem with that. It's a franchise movie, what do you expect? Either way you look at it the film was still doing more than the first Avengers film, the plot of which consisted of- Bad guy shows up, wants to take over the world, Avengers stop him. That's it. Throw a ton of exposition dialogue to fill things up and there we go. Ergo AoU is a more involving film. Both films are fun but Avengers is overrated while AoU is underrated.
haha, very true. Politics is all about who wins.
Oh yes, of course not all alpha men are assholes. I was merely trying to convey why women respond so well to men that are assholes. Assholes usually demonstrate alpha behavior. Nice guys sometimes do and sometimes don't. But also women respond more to assholes because when they do things like cheat or put them down they represent themselves as a challenge. A challenge to be conquered. And women feel so much better about themselves, so much more special if the man they are with is a man they have won rather than a man that has dropped into her lap.
With regards to Moviebuff244? You suggest he only chooses to approach asshole women. And I don't think that's true. Women generally are very fussy about the men they choose. Nice women and asshole women. And as I said before I don't think that makes them bad people it's just part of human nature.
I have had friends who are women (usually decent people), they'll get approached by a likable guy who is probably better looking than they are and yet they will turn them down and tell me they were ugly. I've seen this very frequently.
I don't think MB244 is complaining about the fact that women turn him down like some kind of wimpy, fake, nice guy. I think he is simply using it as an argument in the gender equality debate. An argument that I think is perfectly valid. Feminists claim that women are disadvantaged in the workplace (and their claims may be true, they may not. I'm not knowledgeable enough in that area to say.) and MB244 is claiming men are disadvantaged in romantic relationships. And I think it's very healthy to debate these things. We shouldn't only be hearing one gender's side of the argument.
It is way harder for men. Attraction is not balanced in a 50/50 split and women are a lot choosier. There are psychological reasons for this and if you're interested I've gone into more detail in my reply to actionkamen above.
But as MovieBuff224 already stated, it is expected for the man to approach the woman and he will often get rejected. A woman doesn't have to go through this and it is a lot harder than it looks. Which is why so many men do it badly and come across as creepy or weird.
But just consider the characteristics that each gender disqualifies on. For men there is only really one aspect that they disqualify women for. If they're fat. And that's not nice. It isn't. But do you think women don't disqualify men for being fat? Of course they do. But they also disqualify men for being short, for being skinny and for many other specific things. How many men have you heard saying "I wouldn't date her. She's too skinny."
On a night out an average looking woman will be approached by men many times a night. She doesn't count many of them because they are dismissed as weird or creepy. An average looking guy will never be approached. Not even by creepy girls.
For a shy, ugly girl it's going to be hard to find a boyfriend. On the flipside, for a shy, ugly man? It ain't gonna happen. He will most likely be a virgin for life.
While men don't understand what it's like for women regarding harassment I think that women don't understand what it's like for men regarding dating. And there are other areas in which men are disadvantaged that I won't go into here as my post is long enough as it is. But I don't think we should be making a competition over which gender has it worse.
Personally I do think that women have it a little better overall. But arguing over it isn't getting the human race anywhere. It's just making people hostile and divided. Both genders have issues and we should all be talking about them civilly and listening to each other.
Unfortunately it's not as simple as asshole women and nice girls. MovieBuff224's description of attraction politics is very accurate. It's great that you met you're wife but that kind of situation is quite rare. And I'm not saying being picky and favoring the bad boy makes women assholes. All women are predisposed to this behavior and there is a psychological reason for it:
Back in primitive times the female would be attracted to specific male traits such as confidence, alpha behavior and physical strength as these traits would determine the male's potential for future leadership within the tribe while the weaker beta males would tend to be cast aside. This would mean better protection and ability to provide for her and her offspring.
Things are different today as those alpha and physical traits are not as necessary. But evolution hasn't caught up so people are all still controlled by those same instincts.
When it comes to women's frequent rejection of men there is similar psychology at play. In those primitive days sex was actually very dangerous for women. There was no contraception so sex often led to pregnancy. And without today's medical care women often died during childbirth. For men there was no risk at all in having sex. So it makes perfect sense why women would be extremely selective about who they mated with and why men could be promiscuous. How many women would you sleep with if it meant you could die? I'm guessing you'd cross a fair few off your list.
It was a survival mechanism. And again the human race hasn't evolved to catch up with medical science.
So "just looking for the nice girls" is a nice thought but unfortunately it doesn't really work in the real world. And I don't blame women for being this way, it's not really their choice. It's just how it is.
It's bizarre that the only one of his films Vaughn chose to do a sequel to was Kingsman. If he'd stayed on X-Men I bet the franchise would still be going strong today. If he nailed the 60s imagine what he could have done with the 80s in Apocalypse.