It's not Agents of Shield!
I absolutely adore The Shield. It's my favourite TV show. But whenever I talk about it or recommend it to someone I'm often presented with a somewhat similar response: "Don't you mean Agents of Shield?" or "yeah... no, I'm not really a big fan of Agents of Shield."
Why is this? And whats more, this response will often come after I've described the show. How could you possibly confuse the two? If I meant Agents of Shield I'd say Agents of Shield. I'm not going to mistake the title of my favourite show. What's worrying is that people would consider my tastes to be so dubious that I would view Agents of Shield as my absolute peak of visual entertainment. But I'm more concerned about the people who don't answer. Who just nod and say "ok". Who don't give me the opportunity to clarify. Are they just quietly assuming me a philistine? Scoffing and chortling in their head?
But the truly terrifying thing is that we are living in a world where Agents of Shield is so much more well known than The Shield. And yeah, I realise The Shield finished in 2008 so it's not really a part of the cultural zeitgeist any more, but come on. It's not that old.
I'm now curious what people might be thinking when I bring up The Wire. When I mention it's the most profound thing I've ever seen emanate from a screen. Are they baffled how I could possibly have convinced myself that there is nothing more though provoking than a 90s Goldie Hawn/Mel Gibson action comedy?