MovieChat Forums > clickbait > Replies
clickbait's Replies
ok then crc32....if thats the case, then how the fuck did the Ailen become that big in like minutes? damn...this movie had some lazy shit writing....
even Afflecks daredevil, R.I.P.D, Jonah Hex, Barb Wire, howard the Duck and TMNT are way better actually...they are bad but this movie is fuckin horrible...the only comic book movies that is worse than wonder woman, is Iron Man 3 and Suicide Squad...
So when you have a brain and doesnt swallow every bullshit crap movie hollywood releases...then you clearly are a troll? ok...that is logic of a retaded 5 year wont have it easy in life when you cant even notice when shit hits you right in the face you knob....
Theron did a great job as a female villian in both the huntsman movies and in the latest fast and the furios....and she really rocks in atomic blonde, she would kill it as an older cat woman...and sure, I agree that cat woman shouldnt be a blonde, but have you ever heard about something called dye? something that women do all the time you computer geek....
no...I aint trolling...I seriously hated this worthless movie....
It did suck very badly...not even Gal Gadots giving head could save this crapfest....
Yes BvS and MoS was way better than this crap....those movies actually had decent scripts and not a logical gap every 5 minute like this overrated crap movie....
sorry Im late, but it really sucked in so many ways...a movie made for kids who cant think yet and grown up retards with no brain capacity....
Tottaly agree with you OP...and there is alot of logical retarded gaps in this movie that made me furios...I rated this shit a 1 cause of all the retardness in the script....this is not worse than Suicide Squad but almost....
They havent got it right yet...this movie is horribly bad in almost everything, Gal Gadot is ok as WW and Patty is competent action director but Snyders script is just one of the worst ever and every logical gap every 5 minutes is even worse and the boring villians isnt even worth mentioning in this mess of a movie...WB bought the critics to save their asses after being bashed completly with MoS and BvS, but infact, both of those movies are way better than this crap...only retards can accept this mess of movie as a "good" movie...
yep Meatron1970, totally agree....made a few points on all the logical gaps in this crapfest of a movie myself in my own thread...but you made some really good points here, nicley done mate.
No For fuck sake...Theron should be an older Cat Woman instead...much better casting choice there cause we have an older Batman in DCU, dont waste her on one movie villian....
Ye and that is a big joke of a rating....WB probably bought every fuckin critic out there to save themselves from more bad reviews, but this movie is really bad, not the director or actors but the writing is horrible and all those logical gaps every 5 minutes makes this one of the worst comic book movies ever made if youre older than 10 and have a brain...but whatever floats your narrow mind....
great points TwistedAcrobat....I just wish that ive read these before I went to see the shitty thing...
Terrible is an understatement, this was fuckin painfully horrible mess of jackass crapfest and waste of time...but if taken as bad comedy it is watchable, alot of laughable moments...
really hope not...unless they really make it a full on comedy this time...cause this crap movie is only worth watching if taken as a bad comedy....
this is easily the best thread of them all...this really was a laughable funny a bad comedy I would give it 5/10 and if taken seriously 1/10
I really was horrible...a pure crapfest of a mess like all the other wolverine and Xmen movies....Fox is a big fuckin failure when it comes to making comic book movies...Im a fan of both Xmen and Wolverine since their golden era in the 80-90s but Fox isnt anywhere near, they just butcher everything about this and people who never even opened an Xmen or Wolverine comics are loving this pure crap and now they think an R rating brutal Wolverine will save them, but didnt, this was just as lame and worthless as the other ones...The script is horrible, the actors horrible, the characters are the worst of it all...Reavers are butchered, a lame cop out having Jackman play a lame copy villian instead of using a real old classic nemesis for Wolverine like Sabretooth or Omega red but no and the lame time jumping without explanation of what Xavier had done before was just laughable...everything was laugahble about this movie, sure the kid did a good job as X-23 but that wasnt enought at all....Im dissapointed once again on Fox and this was the absolutley last time I went to the movies and watched a Fox movie...just give the rights back to Marvel so that we can get the real Xmen in MCU instead, even if it means more kid friendly cause Fox cant handle these characters even when they try an R rating....
Im so sad that I didnt read your warning before I watched this of the worst movies ever by Cruise and another slaughter of a great book and character Reacher...and even if this wasnt with Cruise or from a Reacher book, it would still be one of the worst movies of 2016....horrible....
Its Cruise himself who owns the book rights and that is why he is even casted as Reacher which just ruins the movies even write him a letter and ask him why he choose to slaughter this particlular Reacher book.