clickbait's Replies

No DeceptiveFox....its never implied that she talked with her grandparents on the phone, she said that they wrote to her on the internet and thats a huge difference cause anyone could be behind the screen... deserves a 1...anything more than that is damn joke.... only thing that surprises me, is that this movie seem to be liked by stupid people with lesser intelligence... If you dont understand the hate....that makes you a retard...good on you for making the list of retards. no we just hate it cause we actually have a brain that tells us that this is pure of the worst and moste lame written movies of all times with plotholes bigger than my grandmothers c*nt LukeLovesFilm28.....hahaha youre such a retard when you defend shit like this....the twist is a fuckin laughable joke...but the biggest joke is the written that allowed a mother to just send away her kids to someone she had not spoken to in 15 years and she didnt even see recent pictures of....that could be anyone that sent her a message to send her kids their way... mean that we should just swallow the retadness shown in the movie and accept it even if its so stupid that its an insult on smart peoples intelligence? and that we cant hate on things that truly are pure shit?? cause this is literally shit...such a lame joke of a movie....written by a mentally handicapped person...probalby running around at night like the psycho old lady... This whole movie is a lame joke but that was the lamest even send away the kids without knowing who really sent them to...couldve been some fuckin pedophile for all she knew....such a joke of a movie like all M. Nights movies.... solid if youre a retard and the twist was the most lame of all his shitty movies...what a lame joke this was.... Agree...this is one horribly bad horror movie.... ok you mean that a movie can be written for retards and its ok cause apparently its difficult to produce a horror movie? most laughable argument ive ever read from someone defending such a badly written movie...this movie is a big joke for anyone with a functional brain and older than 10...i think its way past your bedtime now jimbmorris... tripster1_2000....Leland was a good cop all along but this horrid writing decided to make him the new hitman in the end...he simply took John Leguizamos place as the hitman following the list...just another movie with some horrible pathetitc writing. True...I totally agree, she was fucking horrible, just like the whole movie! Exactly my point as well. Hey OP...I know that you wrote this 4 years ago but I got news for you...Timothy Olyphant never starred in Bone was Patrick Wilson in that one too. sure its great....if you are retarded...if you are a normal and sane person with a functional brain...then this isnt good at all.... Im not very good in english but will try and explain. The informant was horny on the money and wanted more than 250k to help Leguizamo to infiltrate the cartel, he tried to blackmail him in the car or he threatend to expose Leguizamos character when they went inside and so he did...but his mistake was to try and steal money from the bag, and Leguizamo knew the exact weight of the bag and understood the rip off and if he hadnt, he wouldve been dead in the house since The informant did actually expose him after stealing the cash. lol boring?? not even close...its a good movie for sure, not any masterpiece but good....I think Transformers and Ninja Turtles are more of your type of movies.... Yes and that was the exact point... this is your own words So, a daughter dies and the doll maker creates the doll and it's evil. I wonder how they are going to tie in the dolls "evil/possession" to the Annabelle movie or if they are going to ignore it completely. and I just made a correction about your wrongfully rant, that he didnt create the doll cause the daughter died and I didnt know it was a spoiler since the movie was out in the theaters, but if you are scared of spoilers, then dont post anything on a forum like this before you have watched the movie.... I posted it after i watched the movie in the theaters, I cant fuckin know when it is released in your country knobhead....