clickbait's Replies

good assessment indeed. This movie is horrible in every way possible...Denzel is a good actor yes but he should stay clear of Fuqua who is one of the worst and most overrated directors around...havent made one good movie except training day thanks to Ayers script... Hahahahaha masterpiece hahahaha this is one of the worst westerns I have ever seen, and Ive seen alot of them since its a favorite genre...but this is pure crap...and the original actors must roll over in their graves...Fuqua cant make a good movie...he was lucky with training day thanks to Ayers good script but other than that, he have only made pure shit fest movies....this is almost as horrible as his King Arthur take and im so happy that he never ruined scarface aswell....Fuqua should be banned from Hollywood thanks to his medicore directing.... I agree...this movie is pure shit but it seem to please all those PC mafia knobs... yeah...knockoff Jennifer Lawrence were far better actresses than the real worthless overratade Lawrence. lol...more Sarsgaard??? are you on drugs or just retarded? he was fuckin horrible in as a bad guy...he sure is a good actor but he cant play a bad guy at all...he fuckin sucked... yep I saw it too....maybe Ridley Scott is trying to tie down the alien franschise with blade runner...the androids in the alien movies could be replicants. Totally agree with your review...the story was a joke, same as the characters, the fighting choreography, only good thing about this movie is the visuals that is beautiful but still the movie lacks the atmosphere from the first just feels flat, however, I like Gosling as a replicant. Im a man who loves the original but not BR2049...its overrated af with a shitty script so your point is invalid and totally wrong bobbynynex... I agree with einstein...0% atmosphere and 100% hollywood plastic and a badly written script and badly directed fights...this movie is overrated af...the first one of Ridley did have 100% atmosphere and an easy story but it worked perfectly...this one tries to much to be something it cant be...its not bad but very overrated and mediocre. I agree on everything OP except Gosling, I like him as an actor and he doesnt need to make expressions, he have an awsome body language that he uses when he plays a hard silent type and here it works like a charm, on everything else I totally agree and this movie is overrated af.... Totally agree...very mediocre and with all the praising, its overrated af too. since its overrated af with plot holes and loose ends in the script...I think not.... good most things in this movie, nothing really made any sense, the script is really weak unless it will be a third movie. Its nice looking yes and Gosling is great but the script is really weak actually and nowhere near the original in the right mood and visual feel...this will probably be a cult classic but as now, its overrated af But he isnt Deckards son....have you even seen the movie? why do you reply to me? I just told OP that he is in the movie as I have watched it... was a pain to watch in the theaters....I Recommend to watch it at home instead. His best movie is Enemy....just fantastic, like a David Lynch light movie, its a masterpiece but I did like Prisoners also...Sicario is one of the most overrated shit movies ever made...only good thing about that movie is Benicio del toro. Gosling are, Ford have never been