MovieChat Forums > clickbait > Replies
clickbait's Replies
no point in trying to make sense out of a retarded movie made for kids under age 10 and other retards....
So true, I agree on everything you write here OP mark_st, this was a shit turd of a movie, way to lame and juvenile, really aimed at kids at age 10 or retards...never read the comics and I usually love comic book movies, but this was truly horrilbe in every aspect, the acting was horrible, the script was horrible, the CGI was laughable and the action was way boring....a much better and similar movie but more realistic and well made and not based out of a comic book is The lone survivor which is awsome.
yes its really was.
no we really not need a sequel to this boring juvenile mess of a turd movie...havent read the comics but the movie is fuckin horrible for anyone with som taste and a brain and this comes from someone who loves most of the comic book movies thats coming out today
He could have taken the shoot before he rode back into the town and climbed the bell tower.....
hahahahaha biggest joke ive read so far on this forum....
Its a bad action movie and not a western made from a black man to please kids between 6-12 and you even think for a second that any form of authenticity like the N word would be used??
Kids between 6-12
I kept my money but saw it just about now anyway...and it sucked as I suspected it would do....worst and most overrated director in Hollywood and the worst producers aswell as it seems....very nice combo....
Its from Fuqua....what did you expect?
It flopped cause its a horrible overrated mess...
Of the color age
The Unforgiven
Mag 7 1960
Dances with Wolves
Open Range
Wyatt Earp
Young Guns
Any old Clint Eastwood films(with the exception of Two Mules for Sister Sarah).
Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp (Just Kidding)
I'm not a John Wayne fan, but I can understand his appeal.
This was not a great one. This was like Long Riders. Cast of recognizable faces, but completely forgettable.
You forgot 3:10 to yuma, apaloosa and true grit with jeff bridges
yeah...good silly fun if you are somewhat retarded or a kid at age 8....
Agree with you dannygoodlet2....this was another horrible movie made by the talentless hack Fuqua who got lucky with one movie and that is TD and only thanks to Ayers good script and a Denzel in his prime back then.
Hope not...since this movie is one of the worst ever made and definitly the wors western ever made.
Fuqua just ruins another movie...nothing to be surprised about
good assessment OP....but your rating is too high...doesnt deserve more than 1/10
yep....cant understand how worthless Fuqua gets to make movies anymore....even big budget movies...Hollywood gone mad I would say....
pretty soulless yes, its like a fast and furious movie set in western enviroment...soulless is a good word for this crap by a one of the worst directors around, none of his movies had any soul except maybe training day.