MovieChat Forums > Mekratrig > Replies
Mekratrig's Replies
I felt the same after watching the episodes one at a time. Suggestion: rewatch Expanse when you have time to binge 3 or 4 episodes (even bettar, a whole season) at a time. When I did that, my opinion of the series went up - a lot. I now considar it to be the finest SF series since Babylong Five. YMMV.
Norton is notoriously difficult to work with.
Police chief arrested the guy because he was found at the scene of the crime, bending over the victim. At that point in time, the guy was a legitimate suspect for the crime. Rember - both the guy and the dead man were newcombers to Fortitude.
Elena had a gun pointed at the door because she didn't know it was Dan, and had recently been attacked & almost raped. Dan did not knock or enter because he realized he was besotted & making a fool of himself.
Finding an unexpected 'gem' of a movie is a delight, and IMO that's just what this one is. Liked it so much, I'm immediately watching it again, to pick up on the details I missed before I realized it was a 'gem'. It reminded me a little of "Cube" (another minor 'gem'), but distinguished itself from that movie early on. I, for one, think the shoestring budget actually helped boost this film above average, no difficulty paying attention to the story and characters rather than being dazzled by CGI.
I think most of season 4 was a mess, but I loved the ending. Holder telling her that what she was looking for may be right in front of her, “It ain’t no ghost”. When she drove off & stopped at the intro scene where she is looking at the city, I was sure it was the end, and the credits would start rolling. The subsequent scene, the real ending, was beautifully done. No dialogue needed.
I, too, will miss this show. I can see that both actors are going to be in a new series “Hanna”, but the Lindon actress plays a villain (at least at first).
Came to ask that meself. Or, maybe everyone in Seattle smokes.
Missed something, did Walter not recognize her because of induced amnesia? And what is the significance of the silverware?
Also, will there be additional seasons or is it already cancelled.
Confirmed season 5 it is?
Delighted to hear it, thanks.
Thanks, DracTarash, I suspected something of the sort. So Vincent, even though he was going to kill the guy regardless, actually played fair as far as his challenge question was concerned.
I don’t like Tom Cruise, but I’ll give him this, he did an exceptional job in this film. Maybe he should collaborate with Michael Mann again.
Excellent suggestion, found it there; should have thought of it myself. Many thanks.
Thanks, Tristan! Now that I know the episode name, I’ll scrounge around on YouTube, maybe find a post of that scene if I’m lucky.
But Uhuru and Shpock lovers? And Vulcan being blown up? Not exactly sticking to canon in this rebot, are they?
Rachel used the evidence Johnny obtaigned for her to publicly humiliate the British government over it’s assertion that her brother was a terrorist intent on throwing a bomb, rather than a protester waving a flag. Despite the mutual attraction between them, I seem to recall Johnny telling her he was going to have to be a fugitive, and they wouldn’t be seeing each other again.
By the way, I thought it was a delightful touch, when he threw the top secret document in the trash at the airport.
When she says “Daddy liked it, too”, Worricker is aghast, and asks her if she’s ever known anybody who didn’t hurt her; I took that to mean it was incest, although, I suppose he could have had that reaction to Daddy ‘merely’ pimping her to his buddies.
I think it was made pretty clear in the bar where Curtis and Johnny work out their ‘deal’, that Pellisier was real CIA. First of all, he recognizes Johnny the first time he sees him, despite Johnny’s assurances they haven’t met; then, in the bar, he reveals that he (Curtis) saw Johnny somewhere, but Johnny didn’t see him. Johnny still doesn’t get it until Curtis says “I was behind glass”, and finally Johnny realizes it must have been Langley - I presume that’s where CIA headquarters is. Although I wish I knew what “behind glass” means in this context.
I know others weren’t impressed with Walken in this, but the scenes with Nighy and him were some of my favorites.
Have forgotten, how did original end?