MovieChat Forums > pluckytotheend > Replies
pluckytotheend's Replies
Off hand I have no idea how much the process would cost, though I assume the price has dropped over the years with advancements in digital technology. If it was done people can still get the black and white experience by adjusting the color setting on their televisions, so there's no need to go searching for original footage.
The purists can adjust their television's color setting if they favor the black and white.
Early case of puppy love for me.
There was an episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show involving a court case where the prosecutor was named Mason and the defense lawyer was named Burger.
Sorry for the late response. I just don't get any notifications from Moviechat even though I signed on for them. I have nothing against Seth personally. In fact I think he could tackle a serious role if he applied himself. It just seems like he screwed up an opportunity to create a successful film series.
According to a contributor on IMDb trivia for The Yellow Rolls Royce it was a 1931 Phantom II. The same curving roadway was the other connection to Goldfinger.
Now my head is starting to hurt. Though this does remind me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer blurts out that George's lady friend (played by Tracy Nelson) looks like a female version of Jerry.
That would be something. Of course I'm not completely familiar with the process of when and how a site like IMDb receives the initial information for a television program, film or internet production. I did contribute some information on an actor's missing credit one time.
I don't think so.
It was se21ep03 and I rechecked the IMDb cast listing. The dad was portrayed by actor Chris Hietikko. I'd swear that information wasn't there when I visited the site shortly after the episode aired. I guess they need a little time to collect the show information and post it. With the beard he resembles a slimmer Vincent D'onofrio.
Yes, a series of made for television movies would have probably been a better arrangement with larger budgets for each production.
A 6 but only because lovely Beverly Garland was in it.
Given that this was a superhero romcom g-spot was my first pick as well.
It appears that stereotypes regarding norsemen are as deeply ingrained as with any other culture.And yes it would be a headline if viking remains were discovered so far to the south. On the other hand it would make sense that Thorfinn would seek out a more temperate climate since he was alone with no guarantees that any of the skraelings he would encounter would accept him.
b d
The Colonial era ghost Isaac appears to be closeted.
0 for 3 so far.
As I stated in my original post my email to them was rejected because it was full. Perhaps they have staffing issues.