MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

Dystopian ST: Discovery isn't Star Trek. I was referring to mainly classic Star Trek and Next Generation, but practically any Trek spin-off and movie handles diversity well. Vulcan saying: Infinite diversity in infinite combination. I'm a huge fan of The Orville, the perfect Star Trek show. Seth MacFarlane is also a Star Wars fan. I want him to do the SW sequel trilogy or TV show. What a comeback! I can understand why Disney's dumbed-down rehashes appeal to you. "It's just trolling for more publicity." That and pandering to a specific demographic. Obvious for me would be two naked men in bed french kissing. A Star Wars movie is going to be more subtle than that. It'll probably be more explicit in the novelization. For instance, throughout The Last Jedi novel, Rose was longing romantically for Finn and jealous of Rey. In the movie, the "romantic attraction" is only shown at the end. I voted that I didn't want to see it. And I don't. Not in the theater anyway. I may borrow it from the library in a few months to see how bad it is like I did with Justice League. I believe the 67% is accurate. I know many uber SW fans at work and it's divided in the middle. Non-viewers because of anger towards the direction of the movies and others because of the bad reviews. Update: 39% and still sinking I'm not sure if you're in denial. Of course, it won't be obvious in the movie because they don't want to offend more conservative viewers. Meanwhile, they're pandering to the LGBTQ community by hinting at it in the movie and the co-writer confirming it. It's called playing both sides. Now, I keep having images of Lando in bed with Chewie. I don't care if someone is LGBTQ. I don't like KK rewriting established Star Wars characters especially since they're so bad at it. Rey or Poe would've been a better choice. They're also stereotyping a lot with their new agenda. Did they make Lando pansexual because he's a flamboyant dresser? Katheen Kennedy. Plenty of mismanagement on her part. "Unfortunately mediocrity and predictability is what sells tickets these days." Which is why I stay home and watch quality series like Game of Thrones. Quality takes time. Pure greed on the part of Disney. Disney is dumbing down the movies and pumping them out as if they were on an assembly line. Mediocre films and over-saturation will eventually lead to boredom with Star Wars. The boycott and dissatisfaction will grow, too. Lucas isn't dead. And he wanted to be involved. He at least had an idea for the sequel trilogy which sounded fine. Luke recreating the Jedi Order and a 20 something young Skywalker. Probably the Empire trying to reform. I'm sure he would have added interesting elements if they asked him for more details. 5+ hour negative review of The Last Jedi. [url][/url] This critic makes a point that there is a difference between being a bad movie and an enjoyable one. He's a troll. He even enjoyed antagonizing fans after his crappy movie was panned. Calling names is not a defense for one's position. If you support Solo, then present your arguments or is that too challenging for you? I'm challenging you to actually think. George Lucas [url][/url] Yes it is. Lando flirts with Han. It's subtle, but there. The co-writer, Jonathan Kasdan also confirmed that Lando is pansexual. Interview: "So, given the opportunity to speak with father-and-son “Solo” co-writers Lawrence and Jonathan Kasdan, I asked them about Lando’s possible sexual fluidity. Is he pansexual? “I would say yes,” Jonathan Kasdan emphatically said. “There’s a fluidity to Donald and Billy Dee’s [portrayal of Lando’s] sexuality,” Kasdan continued. “I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie. I think it’s time, certainly, for that, and I love the fluidity ― sort of the spectrum of sexuality that Donald appeals to and that droids are a part of.” “He doesn’t make any hard and fast rules. I think it’s fun,” Kasdan said. “I don’t know where it will go.” His father was more cryptic about the intentions. When I mentioned the moment in the movie when L3 jokes about Lando’s flirty attitude toward Han, Lawrence Kasdan said, “That is her personality. Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn’t.” [url][/url] I'm thinking school grades. 70 sounds like crap to me. A movie with 90+ gets my attention. Metacritic divides in five ways. 40-60 is average. 61-80 generally positive. 81-100 universal acclaim. You don't need to see this movie to know what it's about. Disney has replaced Lucas' mythological family saga storytelling with simple fluffy flicks. Solo is basically a heist movie. Most people know how he gets the Falcon and met Chewie but they're going to rehash those stories anyway. You should get a good idea about the movie from the trailer. If it wasn't a Star Wars movie, I would never see this, therefore it makes no sense to watch it because Disney "branded it" Star Wars. I hope not considering he's still alive. I noticed the huge Solo ad and Solo release countdown clock next to it. That low rating is conflicting with the Solo paid advertisement on Chewy has been treated like crap since the first movie. I want him to win Rey's heart. Her mother is walking her down the aisle. I'm surprised since it's not traditional. You're welcome. The flowers were beautiful. There was even a large bouquet on the commentators' table. And they were able to enjoy the wedding cake, too! She ran for president in the Green party as well as Peace and Freedom Party, two liberal political parties. I'm just wondering if she's pretending to be a Trump supporter for ratings. Bill Maher called her a socialist in the video.