MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The most ANTI-STAR WARS movie of all tim...

The most ANTI-STAR WARS movie of all time

How people who love A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back can like this?


But at the same time, how many times can we see the good guys win, then the bad guys win, then the good guys win. This was the first time we have the conversation that neither side wins. It's just too bad the pacing of it was godawful and the side quest was utterly pointless.


This movie literally sets up the "good vs. bad guys" trope for many movies to come. They're even reverting the names back to Rebels vs. Empire.


Did it though? There obviously has to be some of that in every movie. They can't completely go without the two sides fighting at all or fans would burn the theaters down. But now we have "enemies" Rey and Kylo having no desire to kill each other, and Kylo trying to plant the seeds to let the Jedi and the Sith go. It's the first film where Star Wars has embraced the idea of the Grey Jedi.


It wasn't that bad, I saw it in January much after its initial release at a discounted ticket price. Expecting to strongly dislike it, I couldn't comprehend what all the hatred was about. Some of it though yes, the undeveloped and almost absent "main" characters, the politics, the humour. All valid criticisms, but I guess being able to cope with Jar Jar (and all the stuff about taxes in The Phantom Menace) made it easier for me to enjoy. I do like the prequels however.

It's worth watching for Mark Hamill alone, the mans a national treasure.


I fully agree. Not among the best Star Wars movies but nowhere near as bad as some try to make out.

The biggest fault of this new trilogy is that they didn't have someone write a cohesive story to span the three films. Instead they're leaving it for a bunch of different directors to make it up as they go along. No wonder the whole thing feels disjointed.

I haven't seen any criticism of TLJ that couldn't also be equally applied to TFA. I prefer TLJ as it's a bit less of an obvious reboot and has a few more visually interesting scenes. Neither are great movies but both are reasonably entertaining. Shame that Star Wars has come to that but I can't say I'm overly surprised. At least they're both better than the pre-quels.


5+ hour negative review of The Last Jedi.

This critic makes a point that there is a difference between being a bad movie and an enjoyable one.
