El Raheem's Replies

It won't grow imo until an autocomplete for the search is added. Having to put you exact title doesn't help for browsing. Does anyone know how their traffic is doing since they killed the forums? week to week. I couldn't wait but i do with I binge watched it. Seems like it would be better even though i loved it. I really liked it. Especially the early parts. It felt like they went very "Lost" with the style in the beginning scenes. This entire season seems more "Lost" style than previous seasons. The lack of this feature probably leads to my not using the site much. It's the biggest mistake they made by not having it up yet, imo. That and the choice to read in flat mode. Don't confuse voting for one or the other with approval. If you held a vote for "would you rather have a bucket of vomit vs a bucket of poop dumped on your head?" one choice would win. It doesn't mean anyone is happy with either. This is the first movie i couldn't finish in years. It was really really bad. The last quarter was good. Pretty boring up until then. imo. I always thought it was because he left to film a movie. He was creepy as hell by his pictures. The audio part surprised me. I didn't think he'd have a deep voice. He seemed normal when you heard him speak. The other guy with a documentary that was rich (the anti virus guy) used to take dumps on the women. All these guys are pretty weird. It should be done by Dennis. And He should be wearing the duster. Thanks for the rundown. It helps. The last scene was very "Lost" ish. Too Tall would catch a beatdown in any 1 on 1. Dude seems frail. I wasn't sure how good it would be after the first episode but i'm really enjoying it. I think it's one of the funniest shows on tv. The cast is great. All of them are pretty funny. yeah. that's it. Hopefully we get an option to choose like there was on IMDB. Does anyone know if an option to read the posts in a flat mode is coming. Where they all just go straight down. I absolutely hate the indentation style. I'm not sure what's it called. Thanks. I don't know, but the 2nd one wasn't that great. It's been a while since i watched it. She's not bad or good. She's just coming off as someone famous that is reading lines and trying their best. The last shot of the episode that aired Sunday really gave it away imo. They cut from the family with the dad and twins (i forget the exact shot) and cut directly to archabella and it clicked it was them. They seem to have set it up to give it away, if that's how it does turnout. I'm guessing he's not from the books? I hope Norman takes him out in a big way. I wonder if he's going to end up being a big pain for Norman.