MovieChat Forums > Mint Berry Crunch > Replies
Mint Berry Crunch's Replies
Democrats don't want good healthcare for all, they don't want to control Wall Street, they love drones and sending mercenaries to fight for their foreign campaign contributors.
The Democrats don't care about American citizens AT ALL. They are globalists now, and all their social justicing is to continue bringing in low wage workers, make Americans feel bad about themselves so they will continue to be sucked into helping the world instead of themselves.
So what other option is there? You have to go with Republicans now because even though they don't give a shit about the environment, or minorities, or women, or anyone who isn't Christian, or social programs, or equal education for all, at least they, thanks to Trump, have backed the American worker and got his ass back to work so he doesn't have to live long enough to see how much they will screw over the country. But the good news is, he can buy some stuff before he goes to an early grave and help make Republican donors richer.
None of it was news.
They ignored facts and sensationalized bullshit and act like World War III, 9/11 II and Watergate II just broke out and Trump's president is responsible for it and he is unhinged and ready to implode.
Any person who thinks that is news, needs to be shot in the head, just to prove there is no brain in their skull.
How is he the victimizer? What child did he molest?
Someone who is molested as a child is allowed to say whatever they want about it, as their defense to cope with it. If they need to be in denial and need to say what he said to get over it, he can. They're just words and they don't hurt anyone, unlike people you probably go crazy over, like X-Men movie's director, Lena Dunham, and half of Hollywood who molest kids all the time.
And a "young" teen girl (As opposed to an old one?) is legal in pretty much the entire world, but yet it's such a big deal in the US, meanwhile skanks like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Christina Aguilera, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, etc. all owe their careers to prancing around as jailbait. Selling sex to Americans as soon as they hit puberty, so either their is huge epidemic of "pedophiles" in the US, or everyone is only acting like a prude to hide their sick fetish for jailbait. Which is it?
Build more schools and hospitals.
You want moderators? Go the imdb2. The 2 stands for shit.
Yes, she should have ran for cell block D president.