MovieChat Forums > Politics > Did Trump say anything of any value duri...

Did Trump say anything of any value during his press confenference?

Anything at all? Surely he must have said something good.

I have a library card. That makes me right.


I stopped reading after the word 'Value'.


Every word was a brilliant hammerblow against the dithering dilettante MSM and their SJW lackeys.

"Where's your will to be weird?" - Jim Morrison


Well you've clearly decided otherwise (and probably had long before said conference actually took place I'll wager ) but from a purely personal, nay selfish perspective his justifiable riling of that BBC tw@t was a joy to behold.

John Sopel I believe it was and he responded, clearly enraged at Donnie's pertinent insinuation/observation that the purportedly hallowed yet institutionally-leftwing BBC was about as impartial (and professional) as CNN, that the Beeb was in fact a "free" (that's a lie for a start), peerless bastion of impartiality and responsible journalism....

.....If Sopel genuinely believes any of the old guff he spouted then he has my deepest sympathies.

GladysOver: the (piss) artist formerly known as Chopper-Chang


What was justifiable about it?

It's amusing, all trump has to do is criticise something you have an irrational hatred for twatta, and you swoon like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert.

"Whether homosexuality causes less harm (than slavery) is debatable" - Hada


I think he said "Fake news" a few times... and um... "Fake news" again... and "faker news".. and then probably a few biglys and maybe a tremendous or two. That was about it.

*With her alive-nostrils once snaggle front-tooth crossing the other and wear bangs -InherentlyYours


Has Trump ever, in his life, said anything of value?


Then why ask this question?

Never trust a black man named "Chip." 


"The leaks are real"

The news is real. The President is fake.


None of it was news.

They ignored facts and sensationalized bullshit and act like World War III, 9/11 II and Watergate II just broke out and Trump's president is responsible for it and he is unhinged and ready to implode.

Any person who thinks that is news, needs to be shot in the head, just to prove there is no brain in their skull.


Does he ever?
