Democrats cannot simply depend on opposing Trump to win in 2020. That was the mistake they made in 2004 and Republicans in 2012.
Republicans won last year, in part, because Trump was bold enough to appeal to the anti-immigrant and partly racist base.
Democrats should drop the moderates and simply nominated someone with left ideas. Someone that promises medicare for all, to control Wallstreet, end drones and Wars, and is unquestionably pro-environment.
This will bring millions of new voters that didn't show up in the last election.
Going for a traditional safe candidate is not going to unite voters against Trump. Democrats need to do something bold.
"Democrats should drop the moderates and simply nominated someone with left ideas. Someone that promises medicare for all, to control Wallstreet, end drones and Wars, and is unquestionably pro-environment."
This is like expecting wolves to become vegetarians. It's not in their nature. This kind of thing can only come about by a grassroots mass movement imposing tremendous pressure on the ruling class, forcing them to make concessions. Even then it's not sincere, it's a political tactic, to be dropped later when the pressure cools (as after the 1960s ended). The Democrats' masters are on Wall Street, and a good dog doesn't bite its master's hand. The capitalist system runs on neo-colonial wars to force open markets to exploit (plus the arms industry in the US is enormous, depends on war for its profits, and wields immense political influence), the private health insurance companies pay for the Democrats' political campaigns, and drones are the new "efficient" way to wage war. As for the environment, that would mean challenging the giant fossil fuel industries, which isn't going to happen. Capitalism depends on rapacious exploitation of the environment, and the Democrats as a capitalist party are incapable of seriously challenging these interests, though pressure may force them to make some minor and token reforms.
For these reasons, the Democrats aren't going to voluntarily take these positions you advocate. They will have to be forced to concede on these things, and it would take a gigantic and sustained mass movement to force that (a movement whose purposes would be better served by creating an actually leftist, mass-based alternative to the Democratic Party). We saw how the Democrats treated Sanders, a milquetoast 1960s imperialist liberal. There's no way they would ever allow any real radical reformers to do anything if they can help it. The Democrats would RATHER lose than allow anything that hurts the interests of their class, which the Republicans won't. They fear the population more than they fear the Republicans, with whom they have only superficial disagreements.
The Democrats are in a state of political crisis right now. For that matter so are the Republicans (who absolutely did not want the unpredictable Trump becoming their nominee, and i'd bet they're going to take measures to prevent such things from happening in the future). Neither party is responding to people's basic interests, and both parties are incapable of any kind of major reform. They're welded tightly to the economic and political status quo that the masses of people find more intolerable every year. Trump won because none of the "mainstream" candidates could get people behind them with any enthusiasm. People hated Clinton, who is rightly perceived as a symbol of neoliberalism and corruption. Most of Clinton's "support" just came from the fact that she isn't Trump. Likewise, most of Trump's "support" came from the fact that he isn't Clinton (the right-wing diehards like the ones on this board aside, most people who voted for him only did so tepidly). People hate Trump too, for different reasons, but Trump is perceived as being separate from the political establishment, and he was able to rally the most racist and chauvinist elements to his side with ultra-nationalist demagoguery, so he just managed to eke out a win. Such strategies won't be sustainable in the long run, though, because the young and non-white people are becoming an ever-larger proportion of the US population, and monstrosities like Trump and the openly white-supremacist and fascist elements behind him (such as Bannon, Yiannopoulos, Sessions, etc) provoke enormous popular opposition. Trump could even end up being the catalyst for the Republican Party's demise (though it probably won't happen right away), because its angry-white-guy politics aren't going to help it for much longer.
I don't expect big changes from the Democrats, or from the Republicans. Both parties are circling the drain right now and seem incapable of finding ways to change course (because changing course would mean going against the interests of their class), and when the next big economic crisis hits (which it will, and fairly soon), I think things are going to become unpredictable. Both parties may end up splitting in the coming years, and new parties may rise to challenge their monopoly on power (Greens and Libertarians are already candidates for that possibility, and there could be a new socialist party before long).
KK, your post was the most truthful I've read in a quite a while concerning the current state of the two major political parties in the United States right now. You kept on point, and the point--when it comes to politics in this day and age--is all about MONEY. And yes I agree, for all intents and purposes, Democratic candidates are just as beholden to the interests that pull their strings as Republicans are. Donors, Lobbyists, PACs and SuperPACS...they determine what gets done in government, and as longs as the system is set up to require a "who has the most money, wins" approach to the election process, they will continue to pull the strings in Washington.
New political parties are the answer to this dilemma of the stagnation that rules right now, but I don't hold out much hope either that any are going to emerge that will conceivably challenge the stranglehold the Dems/Reps currently hold on the system. It's certainly not going to happen on the Left (if Dems can even truly be called that), because everyone in opposition to Trump at this moment is (falsely) assuming that voting Democratic will somehow "save" them from his "tyranny" in upcoming elections, and any 3rd party candidate requiring Democratic support would either have to wage herculean effort to acquire voters, or benefit from some sort of catastrophe (like another economic collapse, or near-collapse) that would siphon voters (similar to what Sanders managed to milk during his run).
Basically, we as voters, when it comes to who will get to vote for in major elections, are damned either way. Neither party is going to implement the changes that are needed to improve life for the 99% of people in the USA. Republicans don't care and also don't care if that stance is obvious, and Democratics tell lies and are hypocritical about making changes and their base is foolish enough to believe they will.
It's a sorry time to be an American citizen because the only truthful and valid way to look at what we get for government from Washington these days is with cynicism.
Democrats don't want good healthcare for all, they don't want to control Wall Street, they love drones and sending mercenaries to fight for their foreign campaign contributors.
The Democrats don't care about American citizens AT ALL. They are globalists now, and all their social justicing is to continue bringing in low wage workers, make Americans feel bad about themselves so they will continue to be sucked into helping the world instead of themselves.
So what other option is there? You have to go with Republicans now because even though they don't give a shit about the environment, or minorities, or women, or anyone who isn't Christian, or social programs, or equal education for all, at least they, thanks to Trump, have backed the American worker and got his ass back to work so he doesn't have to live long enough to see how much they will screw over the country. But the good news is, he can buy some stuff before he goes to an early grave and help make Republican donors richer.