MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > UK Judge Orders News Blackout Following ...

UK Judge Orders News Blackout Following Arrest Of Tommy Robinson For Reporting On Sex Grooming Gang Trial

Here's what Fascism really looks like, for all you LibTards who think it exists under Trump.
Links to copies of deleted articles included. The Lying US MSM also seems to have a blackout.

Tommy Robinson, the outspoken English activist who founded the English Defence League (EDL) only to later leave when it became too extreme, was arrested Friday while filming alleged child sex grooming gang members entering court for trial.

One of the arresting officers told Robinson that he was being arrested for “suspicion of breach of peace.”

That same day, Robinson, who was on a suspended sentence from a contempt of court arrest last year, had his suspended sentence revoked and was apparently immediately jailed.

Details are sketchy because the judge ordered a complete blackout on reporting of the incident, and as a result, news media—including Breitbart News—were required to remove their stories.

The resulting confusion about Robinson’s arrest, freedom of speech and of the press in the UK, varying reports of Robinson’s 13-, 14-, or 18-month prison term, and concerns about his safety in prison have flooded the internet with outrage and indignation, some righteous, some not.


Testify, Satan, testify!!!


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, racists


Facist exposed!


That’s a crazy story. A blackout on free speech. Wonder how long it’ll take some left wing so-called judge to attempt that in the US.

Only the demokkkrst left would suggest free speech is fascism.


So freedom of speech means freedom to form a lynch mob?


Lynch mob? Another Facist!


This is not about free speech, not about the freedom of the press, nor about legitimate journalism, and not about political correctness. It is about justice and ensuring that a trial can be carried out justly and fairly, it's about being innocent until proven guilty. It is about preserving the integrity of the jury to continue without people being intimidated or being affected by irresponsible and inaccurate ‘reporting’, if that’s what it was.

-- a previous judge's ruling against Robinson for using a camera inside a courtroom
-- are you calling this fascism?


Fascism? Sounds like straight up tyranny to me. Robinson is doing what the MSM should be doing and I hope this farce leads to mass uprisings.


Unless their slavemasters in the media spoon feed the demokkkrat lemmings instructiones, I wouldn’t expect an uprising. It’s doesn’t fit in with 24/7 Trump derangement syndrome so don’t hold your breath.

Demokkkrats standing up to defend child trafficking and pedophilia. Nothing new here.



BTW the protesters were reported to be far right which is crap. They are just citizens that see the compete lunacy of what the govt and press are perpetrating.


I find it hilarious how it's not right to report on or film 'alleged child sex grooming gang members' but if it's an alleged sexual harasser for #metoo, they're all over it.

Also from the looks of it, Tommy was reporting when the trial was taking place before a final verdict. Seems there was a no reporting allowed until after the verdict which Tommy didn't abide to hence his arrest. Wonder why he couldn't just do it after or when they're leaving?

'Responses to the crisis are contentious because most of the perpetrators are British Asians; specifically British Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Child abuse is not uniquely or largely a problem of particular demographics but grooming gangs – that is, multiple offenders exploiting women they have met, manipulated, and abused outside their homes – are 84 percent Asian, and this does not mean Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Indonesian (other perpetrators have been Somali, Romani, Kosovan, Kurdish, and white British.)'

'Most of the victims have been white girls, but not all. They were most vulnerable to men from their own communities who manipulated cultural norms to prevent them from reporting their abuse.'

Yep, Muslims. You brought in their rape culture, good going UK. Enjoy the welcome refugee rape and try to cover it up. I bet these fucking women are liberally educated hence why they wanted a taste for Muslim cawk but then got abused for it in style so they deserve it. That or the liberal indoctrination messed them up. I wonder if these thousands of women are now 'woke' and right wing.


Trump has "joked" about jailing journalists. He wants Fascism.



1. He's right wing

2. He loves Trump (I think) or holds in regards the ideals/policy of it

Pretty much anything right wing news will go on the Trump thread since the other threads to other politics are more or less dead and doesn't really draw the attention. Hence why I sometimes (though rarely) post other news that can relate with Trump in a way.
