MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
MSM is now complaining that this is helping Putin undermine NATO. Billions or so for Russian pipeline and then they still want US protection? Sounds unfair doesn't it? Makes Russia richer.
To be fair, Donald Trump doesn’t understand how NATO works. It’s a recommended guideline for percentage of GDP a country should spend on defense, not a cumulative military fund. We choose to spend 4% of GDP on defense. In times of peace you spend less.
On March 16, 2017 President Trump submitted his request to Congress for $639 billion in military spending—$54 billion—which represents a 10 percent increase—for FY 2018 as well as $30 billion for FY2017 which ends in September. With a total federal budget of $3.9 trillion for FY2018, the increase in military spending would result in deep cuts to many other federal agencies and domestic programs, as well as the State Department.
In February 2018, the Pentagon requested $686 billion for FY 2019.
Jesus Christ, nearing the 700 billion mark. Talk about a war faring empire in time of peace. I bet you could give everyone in US 1 million and no one would be poor no more.
I just don't fucking get the point of increasing when we're NOT AT WAR. Makes no fucking sense to spend more other than the military industrial complex. Heck I would support Trump whole heartedly if we were at war (besides the never ending war on terror).
Trump launches new tariffs on China
$200 billion now
Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Tuesday released a list of additional goods that could face 10% tariffs after a public comment period. It includes seafood, fruit and vegetables, yarn, wool, rain jackets and baseball gloves.
The move comes after the United States imposed 25% tariffs on Chinese goods worth $34 billion last Friday. Beijing immediately responded with its own tariffs on US goods worth $34 billion.
The United States is already working on a second wave of tariffs on Chinese goods worth $16 billion. The tariffs announced Tuesday would be the third wave. They would go into effect sometime after August 30.
I don't like Chinese cheap stuff but I do love Chinese food.
Notice I said 'some Trump voters', never said this was directly Trump himself although his rhetoric/policies says otherwise. Not hard to put two and two together.
Republican: Nu uh! 3 million illegal/dead voters. RIGGED!!
Already lots of protests outside waving Pro-Choice and Protect Roe v Wade stuff.
Eh, I enjoy it. I love the red head and I think she's pretty attractive along with many of those under her wing (especially her daughter).
I love the décor, and clothing, vibrant and colorful if not unique for each Baron household clan. Overall it's visually stunning to the eyes. Story I guess is slightly above average but still a fun watch with Nick Front there as well. The only annoying one is MK imo.
If it were a 6, I give it a 6.8 but I think it deserves at least a 7.4. It's not just IMDB with a 8.1, has it at 8.5, metacritic at 8.3, rotten tomatoes at 77%, and users have a 90-97% favorability for the show.
There's lots of proof, you'd only need to read the news. What MSM and the left get wrong constantly is pointing it directly towards Trump which is false and why the right defend him so. It's the Trump administration or those closest to him that did the meddling. Trump is just smart enough not to get himself directly involved and had his family members do the bidding/work around the scenes if you will.
The funny part will be if Trump himself never gets impeached or indicted just like Hillary Clinton. Hillary has had many scandals but no evidence to convict while Trump also has had many scandals but just had to pay the fines but nothing yet on his main scandal. Support for Trump is even growing now as the years go by. People are getting used to the Trump rhetoric or just having him around after the crazy stuff has been accepted as the norm.
What choices in healthcare are you referring to? As for illegal immigration drop, they're more or less the same. Still around 40 a day or so fleeing from the Northern Triangle making their way/trip to the US southern border. Frankly if Trump didn't separate the kids, no one would be talking about them since that's pretty much all they do now, well, except for the 13 kids trapped in a cave in Thailand.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Someone behind me in the theater said, "what a stupid end". Guess they didn't hear it or knew what it meant. I was also surprised it was in 3D as well. Usually post-credit scenes are non-3D.
So he's joyful he did it? I guess that makes more sense seeing he was smiling and makes it worse seeing how he knew full well of his actions.
They didn't get them addicted to anything. More like weak willed/minded people just don't have any control. Heck I eat junk food from time to time or go out to eat fast food but I know never to indulge too much. Besides, junk food and fast food are the cheapest things you can get for food for the poor though they have been getting more expensive as time goes by.
Whelp, since US has conducted a trade war with enemies AND allies, looks like no one will be importing raised tariff products from the US anytime soon. China is now looking to import beef and the likes from Europe/Australia etc.
US goods hit by Chinese tariffs:
— Frozen beef
— Fresh or cold pork
— Dried, smoked or salted pork belly
— Frozen chicken nuggets
— Frozen whole duck
Fruit and vegetables
— Farming potatoes
— Mushrooms
— Truffles
— Apples
— Cherries
— Avocados
Dairy products
— Butter
— Cream
— Yogurt
— Frozen red salmon
— Frozen mackerel
— Frozen yellowfin tuna
— Frozen squid
— Lobster
— Canned shark fin
— Octopus
— Sea urchins
— Tobacco cigarettes
— Tobacco cigars
— Unstemmed tobacco
Pet food
— Canned cat food
— Canned dog food
— Whiskey
— Modified ethanol
— Non-frozen orange juice with less than 20% sugar
— Some passenger cars
— Some small passenger cars
— Some off-road vehicles
Chinese goods hit by US tariffs:
— Some motor vehicles with diesel engines
— Some motor vehicles with electric motors
— Some motorcycles, including mopeds
— Helicopters
— Some airplanes and other powered aircraft
— Airplane parts
— Ferry boats and cruise ships
Spacecraft and technology
— Spacecraft launch vehicles
— Communication satellites
Industrial machinery
— Nuclear reactors
— Chassis fitted with engines for some vehicles
— Hydraulic turbines
— Machines for sorting fruit or other agricultural produce
— Metal-rolling mills
— Molds for glass, rubber or plastics
— Railway track fixtures
— Electric welding apparatus
Medical devices
— Pacemakers
— X-ray generators
— UV apparatus
— Anesthetic instruments
— Optical instruments
— Parts of equipment for checking semiconductor devices
— Some microscopes and telescopes
— Seismographs
Sometimes I wonder if the US is just as corrupt as China if not worse. Seems democrats do it better when they're in the house but once Republicans enter they are pretty much an open book.
Actually, I would think it's a hybrid democracy though flawed. It's right up there with South Korea and Japan. To live in a full democracy, you have to be willing to accept your taxes will be misused/abused by those that don't work/don't want to work, refugees, etc.
Heck I see so many people with 3-4 kids lining up for handouts and their mostly foreign. I'm just saying if you're a working people you'll just have to accept your taxes will go people lesser of you or that abuse the welfare system that's set in place for those in full democratic systems. If you're fine with that, then everyone is happy I guess.
On a second thought, I guess it boils down to letting the poor abuse it or letting the rich abuse it. Sigh, no real good choices in the end. I know a few friends that don't work at all and just accept welfare checks and can buy nice computers, lots of games, and for rest to just pirate. Not having to spend a dime on movies or games or just go to food bank for free food. Lots live fine in this type of lifestyle. The amount of benefits and subsidies you get it's like living the low end of the middle class life sort of speak.
Fight scenes were awesome but the story was retarded as heck or rather the people of Metropolis. How many times these dumb heroes keep saving the bad guys so they can kill more people only to do the same thing over and over? Only one losing is the innocent civilians. When big battles happen the amount of damage and civilian casualty they don't show must be insurmountable. That kid going for his portable game console when the whole shit was going down pissed me off as well. God this show was badly written.
Easiest way for Superman to handle these omega level types strong foes should be hitting them up in space to do battle there or to the moon. Clearly Doomsday couldn't fly from the battles encountered in a short time but they still kept the fight on Earth so more people could run and die. Civies so dumb they run towards the danger to take narcissistic selfies and videos to upload online but instead put their lives on the line and more work for the heroes which could endanger them since they have to divert attention constantly.
The whole of Metropolis is like full retard that can't tell Clark Kent from Superman just by the putting on glasses difference.
Think of it like the Marvel universe. One continuation after the other since the art change.
Started out great then it turned into a The Last of Us type thing with guardian and child trying to get somewhere safe. Dunno why Del Toro's character didn't kill the kid after he survived the ratting out and murder attempt but wanted to make him a sicario. Just looking at the kids face made me want to punch it. I also don't know why they suddenly made CIA's go-to man to get shit done on the other side dispensable after a sour op went bad.
Biggest take away is the drone HAD PROOF THE FEDERALE MEXICAN POLICE SHOT AT THEM. They got eyes above and can see the muzzle flashes and everything hence why it used the hellfire missiles to blow up the other vehicles and would've provided overwatch on the events after.
At least it gives sorta what it looks like on the issues of the US border with the illegal immigrants and all and why Trump wants to curb stomp this flow of moochers.
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