MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > #NeverTrump election night 2016

#NeverTrump election night 2016

I don't know about you but I never tire of watching this even though I don't support Trump personally. :p

To be fair, it just shows the lie he made about rigged election else he wouldn't have won in the first place. MSM just failed and you should never trust polls. 12 hours ago


The night the American voters and working class took the country back from the Demokkkrat establishment.

The night the American voters derailed a corrupt FBI.

The night American voters decided 1% economic growth wasn’t the new norm.

The night American voters decided to elect a man with real experience, and a pro America, pro American voter, pro business philosophy who would work to bring jobs back to America.

The night the corrupt demokkkrat media, FBI, and party had to act fast to cook up a story to cover up illegal wire tapping of American citizens. Illegal collusion with foreign countries. And make up a fantasy about Russians.

The night Americans took control to make American great again.

And now what do we have?
4% economic growth
Record stock markets
Record unemployment
Choice back in healthcare
Record drops in illegal immigration

And the demokkkrats alternative?


What choices in healthcare are you referring to? As for illegal immigration drop, they're more or less the same. Still around 40 a day or so fleeing from the Northern Triangle making their way/trip to the US southern border. Frankly if Trump didn't separate the kids, no one would be talking about them since that's pretty much all they do now, well, except for the 13 kids trapped in a cave in Thailand.
