[email protected]'s Replies

Black Lives Matter. But do they? " ... I like glue -- 'sniifff' ..... SARCASM ALERT !! Why not cover your bases? Give a little to one side, give a little to the other. Hope and use either. Sounds like going from an Irish-Catholic lawyer to a Jewish one is a step toward the dark side. What other conclusion can we make? I'm not being subtle (and it's not "subtile", Troll!). I think fox viewers are extremists, alt-right Nazis. Not a question. That's my take. alt-right jerks and fox followers are awful, nasty germs on the face of a rather once wonderful Nation. America was great when it wasn't presided by some dumb-ass Republican who was filling the coffers of his Capitalist buddies with empty lies and crappy tax cuts that only helped the rich. I don't want jerks like you to answer. I want compassionate, loving people to respond and tell me we still have hope for humanity -- not fox trumpers seething out their butt-holes they don't get the respect they never show any one else. I enjoy referencing Stepford when I want to call out conformity, but maybe I'm missing what you are trying to say here. Seems like people can have contrary opinions if they go about it in a constructive manner. I don't like when people are rude, that's for sure. Instead of going the passive aggressive route of of mocking the Stepfordness of it all, make your point plain, or come up with a creative alternative. Sometimes I want to introduce some random thought as a topic for GD, but don't get around to it before it's forgotten. I Love You A bushel and a peck A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck A hug around the neck and a barrel in a peep A barrel in a peep and I'm talking in my sleep about You ! So great of you to bring up William Wordsworth. I'm not the best at Poetry, but I like when people bring up stuff and explain it. I love all this Old Stuff, Keats, Tennyson, etc. Bravo !! i recently had a rambling convo w/ a young gal and asked if she knew who Dylan Thomas was. She didn't, and her bf's name is Lenny, so I thought about Lenny Bruce. He said usually people ask him about Lenny Kravitz, but he liked Bruce. Reminded me of an old Simon and Garfunkel song, that goes -- "I learned the Truth from Lenny Bruce ...(then later) (a different guy) doesn't dig Poetry, he's so un-hip When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talking about Dylan Thomas Whoever he was. The man ain't got no Culture." Brilliant comment. I applaud your ... ability to say something so breath-takingly dumb, that you probably believe it. Carry on, wayward son. Freedom isn't Free, keep on keeping on oh wise one. Wow. You have swallowed the Radical Repub ageneda hook-line-and-sinker. Yes, there are bad actors on the the Lib side who do stupid things, but they aren't sanctioned by the group as a whole. But the Repub side has an entire Evil Agenda, trying to discredit good Americans who want Gun Control, access to abortion, parity among social classes. Who are these "hundreds of thousand violent extremists on the left"? Are they the hundreds of thousand FOX viewers who get all excited and agitated by inflammatory commenters? Like Obama said recently, you are just making stuff up out of the thin blue air. You should get a paper bag and breathe in-and-out, try to clam down. While I agree with what you are trying to convey, in the 60's I lived in a very middle-class, very white world. We weren't rich, but we were privileged and safe. Similar to what these shows portrayed. I was in college when Reaguns got shot. Being stupid college kids, we chuckled that it was bound to happen as there was a curse on whatever 20th year Prez since Lincoln met some sort of gun-related peril, and Ray-guns was up to bat. I personally didn't like Mr. Senility while in office, so I didn't mind that someone took a pop at him. Felt bad for James Brady though. He got the worst of it and he and his wife ended up coming out for more gun control, iirc, which makes total sense. As a more mature person I know it's wrong to laugh at someone, almost anyone, getting shot, so I don't wish RR had died that day. But I revile him as a President, and that he has a Trump-like following makes me sick to my stomach. Carter looks like a saint compared to Rayguns, and he gets all kinds of crap from the Reactionary Bias crowd. He and Obama get no respect, yet the Repubs cry, cry, cry, that their idiot leaders aren't given the love that the Liberal Bias media gives Dems. And the sky is red, and up is down, the world is flat, and immigrants are the biggest problem we have when we have a continually growing income gap, a shrinking middle class, rampant homelessness and mental illness, opioid addiction, garbage and trash choking our oceans and fish. Good lord, just make life better for the well off and all the world's problems will go away -- FOR THEM. The problem is you believe there is a Liberal Playbook when the reality is there is a Fox / Trump playbook skillfully crafted to motivate lemmings to get outraged over some imagined liberal bias. "Liberal bias" is educated people who have studies politics and history and sociology and anthropology and understand society changes -- if for the better we accept it and if for worse we sound the alarm. That's Liberal Bias. Reactionary Bias is a bunch of people who are easily led to believe they are going to lose all these supposed Freedoms we have because of Liberal Bias. It's a total joke, but because we have a critical mass of easily mis-led fools, now crackpots have credibility. It's absurd. But keep it up with your superior air. It suits your arrogant attitude which most of the rest of us chuckle at. Probably The Searchers. Seems to get played a lot on cable, and it always stands up to repeated viewing. I recently asked a couple of younger women if they'd seen It's a Wonderful Life, (another candidate for most-watched). To my utter shock, both said they HADN'T !! Both said they were meaning to, so of course I encouraged them. I couldn't talk about the darn movie w/o blubbering, and the reason I was bringing it up at all was because Donna Reed was part of Mothers Against the Vietnam War. We talked about B&W movies, are they relevant today, Sunset Boulevard, the famous mis-quote in Casablanca .... Great stuff. So fun to talk to young people about old movies, if they don't just shut you down about B&W. Sorry Fred. I meant you did a good job by quickly responding "not enough." You probably got that, but I wanted to respond. I'm sure even the richest among us would claim whatever they make is "not enough." I haven't been prostituting, but I have been drinking a lot lately, and my anus feels like I've earned $528,674. (Hahaha !!) This was my first thought. Good job ! What is a Patriot in your mind? Someone who's house is festooned with American flags and bald eagle images? A car magnet that says Support Our Troops? Pro-Life, Anti-Choice? Strict Constructionist when it fits your agenda? One of the FOX lemmings like one of your buddies likes to say? I am a patriot And I love my country Because my county is all I know And I ain't no communist And I ain't no capitalist And I ain't no socialist And I ain't no imperialist And I ain't no democrat And I ain't no republican I only know one party And it is freedom Of course, freedom is a nebulous concept. One patriot nearby painted on his barn "Freedom Isn't Free." Alrighty then. Let's talk about what this means. Yeah, just keep up the Dkkk lemming stuff. We're very interested in your thoughtful, well-formulated pronouncements. SARCASM ALERT Then that's pretty cool. He'd rather be selfless, give up his largess to be generous to someone he obviously loves, even if it's unconsummated. Rather profound.